Know Lord's pattern
Learn with joy- Keep commandments
"Real joy and happiness come from living in such a way that our Heavenly Father will be pleased with us," said Elder W. Eugene Hansen of the Presidency of the Seventy.
Speaking Sunday afternoon, Elder Hansen added: "In Section 52 of the Doctrine and Covenants, the Lord tells us He will give us, ` . . . a pattern in all things, that ye may not be deceived; for Satan is abroad in the land, and he goeth forth deceiving the nations.' (D&C 52:14.)
"That pattern is the gospel of Jesus Christ in its fullness, the gospel which we are so blessed to have."
As Elder Hansen began his address, he asked: "What is happiness? Where do we find it? How do we obtain it?
"One of the most critical challenges mankind faces today is to recognize the difference between happiness and mere pleasure. Satan and his forces have become extremely effective in their effort to convince people that pleasure should be the most sought-after objective. He slyly promises that wherever found, pleasure will bring happiness.
"Our television and movie screens are filled with not-so-subtle messages that encourage and persuade young and old alike to unbridle their passions, and they will experience happiness. The results of this reckless course should be so apparent, as we watch the tremendous social and psychological costs continue to mount."
Elder Hansen counseled: "In order to be happy there are lessons we must invariably learn while in this life. We can either learn them with joy or with sorrow. Aren't there certain basic principles and truths that we must learn if we are to get along in this life and be happy? And we either learn them with joy by doing what's right or we learn them with sorrow or through experiences that bring sorrow. One cannot break God's commandments and be happy."
In speaking to the youth, Elder Hansen said, "We want you to be happy. We have great concern as we witness the moral laxness that is becoming so prevalent and apparently so accepted in this and other countries of the world.
"Yes, we may seem too concerned, but let me ask you this: Suppose you saw a child toddling toward a busy boulevard or swift running stream not fully realizing the dangers that are so apparent to you because of your age and experience. Of course, you would immediately offer aid. Failure to do so would be irresponsible.
"Likewise, your parents and youth leaders feel a great responsibility to counsel and warn you of dangers."
Elder Hansen concluded by saying, "Oh, that we could become as a people like those referred to in the Book of Mormon, ` . . . surely there could not be a happier people among all the people who had been created by the hand of God.' " (4 Ne. 1:15-16.)