
Caption only: Brazilian missionaries finding harvest in homeland

Spreading the gospel

-The Brazilian missionaries pictured on this page are atypical of those who receive support from the General Missionary Fund. See story on the fund on page 3.

Elder Luizangelo Marcilio

"I can hardly imagine being here, being a missionary of the Church. I am here thanks to the visit of two full-time missionaries who helped me grow spiritually. I gained my testimony while attending sacrament meeting. I know that the Church is true. Serving a full-time mission is very important to me, and with the blessings of the Lord I shall baptize many people into the Church."

Rosimara Brites Sccott

"I know that God lives, that Jesus Christ lives and He is our Savior, that the Church is true, that Joseph Smith is the Prophet of the restoration in our dispensation. What joy we will feel when the Lord calls and we are each able to reply, `I am here.' "

Marilene Judith Alves Dias

"Nothing makes me happier than my calling as a missionary. I have a strong desire to serve the Lord on a mission. My happiness is profound. I know that I have the privilege of representing the Savior, to help people understand that God lives, that He loves them and that one day we will return to His presence."

Fernando Machado

"It is a great privilege for a man in this life to be able to have the knowledge that he was called by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"I am not able to express by words the feelings of my heart."

Teaching with testimony

Photograph #1: Sisters Leonida Viama, Evangelline Feitosa Cruz of the Brazil Recife Mission introduce gospel to young men and make appointment to teach them.

Photograph #2 & #3: Above, Elders Miguel H. Burnett, Eliton De Souza of Brazil Sao Paulo Interlagos Mission teach Francisco Alves Pimentel family. Left, Elder Armando Valim and his companion, Elder Michael Chipman of South Jordan, Utah, contact Luis Carlos of Morumbi in north Sao Paulo.

Entering the kingdom

Photograph #4: Kardec and Leda Santos Garcia are new converts in the Jardim Vila Nova Ward, Porto Alegre Brazil Stake. "We are grateful to Heavenly Father to belong to the Church," he said.

Photograph #5: Converts of 1990, Maria and Jacinto De Souza and daughter, Michele, were sealed in the Sao Paulo Temple in January. The exemplary life of an LDS neighbor led them to investigate the Church.

Photograph #6: Carlos and Rosa Maria Goulart and son of the Venancio Aries Branch, Brazil Porto Alegre South Mission, joined the Church in January, 1993.

Worshiping together

Photograph #7 & #8: Far left, the Jaime Cecilio and Conceicao De Maria De Jesus family adds to congregation of the Praca Da Arvor Ward, Sao Paulo Brazil West Stake. Left, meetinghouses, such as the Asa South Ward, Brasilia Brazil Stake, filled with new converts, are frequent results of missionary growth in Brazil.

Laureni Fochetto

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