
New LDS Navy chaplain is appointed

The first LDS chaplain accepted into active duty in the military since 1989 is looking forward to serving the Lord and his country in the Navy.

Ronald Ross Ringo Jr., 34, was set apart on Sept. 28, as a chaplain by Elder F. Burton Howard of the Seventy.Brother Ringo is now at chaplaincy school in Newport, R.I., preparing for his first assignment in Norfolk, Va.

During a telephone interview with the Church News, he said, "I've wanted to be in full-time service of my Heavenly Father and utilize the talents He has blessed me with. I felt this was the best way I could use those talents and abilities."

His wife, Elizabeth, said in a telephone conversation: "Ron wanted to be able to serve both the Lord and other people. It means a lot to him to be able to represent the Lord."

Brother Ringo was a member of the bishopric in the Pittsfield Ward, Springfield Massachusetts Stake, until he was called to be a chaplain in May.

A former member of the U.S. Marine Corps, Brother Ringo will also serve the Marines as a Navy chaplain.

Brother Ringo was born and raised in the Los Angeles, Calif., area. He served for two years as a recruiter with the Marines and then was a Marine reservist for eight years.

After leaving the Marines, he entered law enforcement. For several years he was a member of the Simi Valley, Calif., police force. He said he knew during

his career as a policeman that his primary interest was social work and counseling.

He earned a bachelor's degree from Cal State Northridge in religious studies in 1988, and also taught early morning seminary. He received a doctorate degreefrom LaSalle University in theocentric counseling. He also was employed as a social worker.

Sister Ringo said she has learned that she will be actively involved with her husband's calling. "I will be his right hand for interfacing with families on the base," she said.

She was told during orientation with the Military Relations Committee that she will be a support to other military wives, especially when their husbands' duties require them to be away for an extended time.

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