
Church News: Job openings


Opening for associate professor or professor of Japanese literature in the Department of Asian and Near Eastern Languages, beginning fall semester 1994. Requirements include doctorate in Japanese with specialty in literature, experience as teacher and publishing scholar. Application deadline, Feb. 15, 1994. Send current curriculum vitae to Van C. Gessel, chair, Department of Asian and Near Eastern Languages, 4052 JKHB, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602.


Position open for assistant or associate professor of economics, available fall 1994. Requirements include doctorate with specialty in economics or be close to completion, master's degree and teaching experience considered. Application deadline, Feb. 1, 1994. Send letter of application, official BYU-Hawaii data form and employment confidential report, current resume, official transcript of credits from institution where highest degree earned, at least three letters of recommendation. Apply to William Neal, chair, School of Business, Brigham Young University-Hawaii, Laie, Hawaii 96762, (808) 293-3580.

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