Elder Earl C. Tingey of the Seventy has created the Benin City Nigeria Stake, which includes the Adesuwa, Esigie, Oliha, and Ugbowo, Uzebu wards, and the Ihogbe, Ikpokpan, Okhoro, Uselu, and Warri branches.
Elsewhere, stakes were reorganized in Brazil, Mexico, Portugal and Spain, and in California and Washington.New stake
BENIN CITY NIGERIA STAKE: (Oct. 24, 1993) Created from the Benin City Nigeria District. President - Alexander Afamefune Odume, 37, auditor, former district president, branch president and counselor, and elders quorum president, married Theresa Amambiwendi Nwaokolo. Counselors - Godpower Etinosa Uwadiae, 41, principal community development officer, former district clerk, branch mission leader, and Scout committee member, married Itohan Osasuwa; Emmanuel Uche Morah, 44, self-employed optometrist, former district high councilor, Sunday School president, elders quorum teacher, and family history specialist, married Bernadette Nwanne Obi-Rapu.
ARARAQUARA BRAZIL STAKE: (Oct. 31, 1993) President - Jose Roberto Donato, 36, sales coordinator, succeeding Edson Lustosa De Araujo; former high councilor, bishop, and elders quorum president, married Carla Samaha. Counselors - Henrique J. Gomes, 38, construction supervisor, former high councilor, bishop and counselor, married Maria Aparecida Pereira da Silva; Dalton Lacerda Ginatto, 34, Church Educational System coordinator, former stake president's counselor, high councilor, stake Young Men president, bishop, and ward mission leader, married Valquiria Samaha.
BARCELONA SPAIN STAKE: (Oct. 31, 1993) President - Vicenc Lacambra L., 40, commercial agent, succeeding Francisco Gimenez Gras; former stake president's counselor, high councilor, and bishop, married Maria Dolors Escolar Saez. Counselors - Luis Rodriguez Serrano, 28, auto quality control engineer, former ward clerk, ward mission leader, branch president, and seminary teacher, married Maria del Consuelo Abellan Meseguer; Adolfo Garriga F., 29, insurance agency director, former stake mission president's counselor, bishop's counselor, and ward Young Men president, married Mercedes Bassas.
MATAMOROS MEXICO STAKE: (Oct. 24, 1993) President - Jose Campos L., 30, systems engineer, succeeding Roberto Hernandez Alonso; former high councilor, stake Young Men president, bishop's counselor, and elders quorum president, married Lucila Gurrola Alvarado. Counselors - Jorge L. Puga Contreras, 33, clothing company operator, former bishop and counselor, ward mission leader, and elders quorum president, married Francisca De Los Santos; Jose Perez Rivera, 28, urban works supervisor for engineering company, former high councilor, stake Young Men president, and ward mission leader, married Felisa Hernnandez Alonso.
MONTEREY CALIFORNIA STAKE: (Oct. 10, 1993) President - Robert F. Jensen, 46, vice president of design for mens formal wear company, succeeding Gerald H. Lindsey; former stake president's counselor, bishop and counselor, elders quorum president, Young Men president, and seminary teacher, married Carolyn Pratt. Counselors - Thomas H. Green, 57, certified public accountant, former stake president's counselor, high councilor, bishop, branch president and counselor, married Norene McClellan; Donald L. Locke, 58, owner of general contracting company, former high councilor, bishop and counselor, Young Men president, and deacons quorum adviser, married Myrna Beth Cask.
SETUBAL PORTUGAL STAKE: (Oct. 31, 1993) President - Venango Caleira, 30, physician, succeeding Octavio Da Silva Melo; former stake Scout director, bishop, Young Men president, seminary and institute teacher, married Ana Paula Duarte Dos Santos Borrego. Counselors - Daniel da Consegao Martins Semiao, 35, purchasing agent, former bishop and branch president, married Anabela Maria de Jesus Teixeira Rico Farto; Antonio Joviano Gregorio Marques Sila, 30, nurse, former high councilor, branch president and counselor, and elders quroum president, married Ana Paula Gongalves Lima.
TACOMA WASHINGTON SOUTH STAKE: (Oct. 24, 1993) President - Richard W. Wells, 60, president of investment company, succeeding Richard Elbert Huish; former mission president and counselor, regional representative, region welfare agent, high councilor, bishop, and branch president, married Helen Beckstrand. Counselors - Gary Frederick Gessel, 41, chief financial officer, former high councilor, bishop and counselor, ward executive secretary, elders quorum president, deacons quorum adviser, and Scoutmaster, married Debra Elizabeth Beyer; Jay R. A. Eastley, 52, physics and astronomy teacher and sceince department head, former stake executive secretary, stake seminary supervisor, high councilor, bishop and counselor, and high priests group leader, married Naoma Wright.
TORRANCE CALIFORNIA STAKE: (Nov. 7, 1993) President - Sheldon C. Snow, 60, professor of management at Pepperdine University, succeeding Fredrick Lavell Hoopes; former high councilor, stake Church education adviser, bishop and counselor, high priests group leader, and Varsity Scout leader, married Patricia Ann Groshell. Counselors - Nonoa Lulu Aiono, 56, insurance agent, former stake president's counselor, high councilor, bishop, ward mission leader, elders quroum president, and seminary teacher, married Felila Tapusoa; Robert J. Checketts, 52, plant manager, former high councilor, bishop and counselor, elders quorum president, and seminary teacher, married Bonnie Jean Baird.