
Pres. Hinckley offers 6 'be's' to help youth in their lives

This is the greatest age in history and a wonderful time to live, President Gordon B. Hinckley told youth assembled at a multi-stake fireside here Saturday evening, Oct. 30.

This age is, however, fraught with temptations and traps that can be avoided by wise youth who keep the commandments, remain morally clean and who pray.In a gathering held in the St. Louis Missouri Stake Center, President Hinckley, first counselor in the First Presidency, addressed more than 1,000 youth from the St. Louis area stakes. His wife, Marjorie, and Richard T. Bretzing, managing director of the Church's Security Department and a former FBI special agent, also shared their testimonies and experiences.

In his address, President Hinckley observed that "there never was a time like this age in which to be born and in which to grow up. It is an age of challenge and opportunity, just a wonderful time to be alive.

"When I was born in 1910, the average life expectancy was 50 years, now it is just over 75. . . . There has been more discovery in science in my lifetime than during all the previous centuries that man has been upon the earth. How lucky can you be."

He explained, however, that decisions made in youth are of critical importance. He suggested several "Be's" for the guidance of young people.

"Be smart," he said. "Don't get your foot in a trap. You don't need to. You know the danger points.

"Be honest. There's no future in cheating. The world will catch on if you do. How would you like to have your brain operated on by a surgeon who cheated his way through school?

"Be clean. You are children of the noble birthright.

"Be obedient. I know there is a tendency for youth to want to go their own way." But, he warned, "You'll pay a price for that.

"Be prayerful. You can't do it alone; you need help, lots of help. There is an Almighty power there to help you.

"Be happy," President Hinckley concluded. "I'm not pleading for long faces and dour looks or misery. I'm pleading for smiles and laughter and fun and good times. Choose the right. We love you, and we pray for you, each one of you."

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