Full-time faculty position in the Religion Division, available fall, 1994; Ph.D. preferred. Send letter of application accompanied by an official BYU-Hawaii Data Form and Employment Confidential Report; an official transcript of credits from institution where highest degree was earned; and at least three letters or recommendation: Dr. Garth L. Allred, Selection Committee Chairman, Division of Religion, BYU-Hawaii Box 1772, Laie, Hawaii, 96762.
Administrative vice president, begins Sept. 1994. Chief financial and administrative officer; requires education, experience in accounting, budgeting, finance, business management, construction and operation of facilities in large, complex institution. Apply to BYU, Employment Services, C-40A ASB, Provo, Utah, 84602. Applications due by Jan. 22, 1994.
Advancement vice president, begins Aug. 1994; requires education and experience in organizational, interpersonal and communication skills; requires 10 years of development, public relations and management experience with three to five years experience at a college or university preferred. Apply to BYU, Employment Services, C-40A ASB, Provo, Utah, 84602. Applications due by Jan. 22, 1994.
A tenure track faculty position will be available beginning with the 1994-95 school year in environmental/occupational health and safety; doctorate preferred. Send vita by Dec. 31, 1993 to: Keith J. Karren, Department of Health Sciences, 213 Richards Building, BYU, Provo, Utah, 84602.