
People in the Church


Andrea Bradfield, 18, was selected for the second straight year to sing in the National Future Farmers of America Chorus in Kansas City, Mo., during the 1993 National FFA Convention. Andrea, a Laurel in the Panaca (Nev.) 2nd Ward, Enterprise Utah Stake, is senior class president and a varsity cheerleader at Lincoln County High School. A total of 104 high school and college students from throughout the United States participated in the chorus.

Debralynn Mitchell of the Emerson Ward, Caldwell New Jersey Stake, has been selected by the National Chorale to solo at the prestigious "Messiah Sing-In" at Lincoln Center's Avery Fisher Hall in New York City on Dec. 21 and 28. Sister Mitchell, a soprano, is a graduate of BYU where she earned a masters degree in music performance, and was a member of the voice faculty at the university. She moved to New York City in 1990 and has sung in several recitals, including two at the New York Mormon Visitor's Center Concert Series at Lincoln Center.


Carl Mackey of the Eureka Branch, Topeka Kansas Stake, recently won the Kansas 3-A state cross-country championship, finishing the 5,000-meter course in 16 minutes, 50 seconds. The race was run in the wind with temperatures in the 20s, with Carl leading from start to finish. It was the third straight trip to the state meet for the senior at Eureka High School.

Dale Rogers, 11, a member of the Paradise 1st Ward, Chico California Stake, added five more North Valley Aquatic League records this year to seven he set in previous years to earn the NVAL trophy as outstanding male swimmer during the past season. This year, he set records in each of the five events he was allowed to enter in the league championships. He also set 11 team records, swimming for the Chico Aqua Jets in the northern California league. Dale is school treasurer as a sixth grader at Durham Intermediate School.

Nick Day, Shaun Hermansen, Chad Hermansen and Taylor Smith of the Las Vegas Nevada Green Valley Stake played for the Senior-Majors Little League team that finished first in the United States and third in the world in Orlando, Fla., this summer. Also from the same stake, Chris Day, Tom Larosa, Tory Watson, Lance Lainbert and Richard Scow played for the American Legion team that placed second in the World Series in Roseberg, Ore.

Dustin Summers, 16, competed in the 110-meter high hurdles at the Amateur Athletic Union Junior Olympics at Knoxville, Tenn., recently. A total of 9,000 young athletes participated in the Junior Olympics. There were 40 entries in the 110-meter hurdles, and Dustin finished 10th. He is a member of the Great Bend Ward, Salina Kansas Stake.


I. Brown Zundel, executive secretary in the Tucson Arizona East Stake, recently received the Decoration for Exceptional Civilian Service, the highest honorary award granted by the Secretary of the Army to army civilian employees. The award included a citation certificate signed by the Secretary of the Army and a gold medal. Brother Zundel was honored for distinguished and meritorious performance during the past 10 years while assigned as a senior research consultant in the advanced systems concepts office and as chief of the plans division in the information systems command at Fort Huachuca, Ariz. Also noted were his personal qualities of professional competence, inspiring leadership, visionary capacity and outstanding integrity. He received the award during ceremonies in Washington, D.C.

Beth Tolbert of the Alpine 3rd Ward, Alpine Utah Stake, was recently installed as 1994 national president of the Women's Council of Realtors at the National Association of Realtors annual convention in Miami, Fla. She will serve as leader and spokesperson for the organization's 14,000 members nationwide as she travels to promote the organization and its mission.

Alf Pratte of the Edgemont 15th Ward, Provo Utah Edgemont North Stake, and a professor of communications at BYU, has been named president-elect of the American Journalism Historians Association. He will assume duties as president following the association's 1994 conference in Roanoke, Va. He was elected vice president at the conference in Salt Lake City last October. Brother Pratte is one of the founders of the association, which has 300 members in the United States and Canada. He has been on the BYU faculty since 1984. Brother Pratte is a member of the branch presidency in one of the senior missionary branches at the Missionary Training Center in Provo.


Robert Souder, 16, was selected to attend the National Young Leaders Conference held recently in Washington, D.C. He is a member of the Plattsmouth Ward, Lincoln Nebraska Stake, and is a junior at Bellevue West High School and attends early morning seminary. Robert was one of three Nebraska students among 350 students nationwide chosen to attend the conference. Selections were based on leadership ability and scholastic merit.


Yvonne Rempp of the Yerington Ward, Fallon Nevada Stake, received this year's American Cancer Society Ruby Life Saver Award. The award is given by the American Cancer Society Division Public Education Committee to volunteers who excel in cancer control through education. Sister Rempp, a two-year volunteer, serves in mammography screening and cancer education for youth.


Karlee Egger, 15, recently placed third in the Walk-Trot Equestrian Class for handicapped riders at the Pennsylvania State 4-H Championships. Karlee is a Mia Maid in the Pittsburgh 4th Ward, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania North Stake. She has been riding in therapeutic equestrian programs for the last 11 years and is a member of the Silver Spurs 4-H Pony Club.


Heather Stoneman, 15, finished first in the Northwest Regional Yo-Yo Competition, Advanced Division, for 1993 at the Seattle (Wash.) Center. She is a member of the Spokane 11th Ward, Spokane Washington Stake. Last year, she won the Washington State Teen Yo-Yo competition. This year she faced competitors from Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Washington. The advanced division was open to all ages and required performing 10 tricks. The only female to compete in the division, Heather also recorded the only perfect score. Her prize was a yo-yo.


Naola and Gary R. Gardner of the Columbine 2nd Ward, Columbine Colorado Stake, were part of the delegation for the Citizens Ambassador Program to Russia and Lithuania in August. The purpose of the delegation was to assist the two countries in their privatization program. Brother Gardner is a professional real estate appraiser.


Ts'ooane Patrick Molapo was given a special trophy along with his diploma in general agriculture from the National University of Lesotho in September. He was given the trophy for being the top student in economics in the university's agricultural college. Baptized in 1990 in the small kingdom of Lesotho, Brother Molapo, 23, has been serving as elders quorum president in the Maseru Branch of the South Africa Johannesburg Mission. He is also the first member of his branch to receive a mission call and will serve in the South Africa Durban Mission. He earned money for his mission by raising and selling carrots and cabbages.


Kristi Barrett, Shenise Pendleton and Chalee Sanchez, all of the Corona California Stake, were homecoming queens at three different high schools in November. Kristi of the Corona 1st Ward is ASB president, Girls State representative, a member of the varsity choir and an honor student at Corona High School. She plans to attend BYU next year. Shenise of the Norco 2nd Ward is ASB president, cheerleader and honor student at Norco High School. She is also planning to attend BYU. Chalee of the Corona 2nd Ward attends Centennial High School and is a talented singer.

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