Section 32 of the Doctrine and Covenants contains a revelation calling Parley P. Pratt and Ziba Peterson to preach to the Lamanites and accompany Oliver Cowdery and Peter Whitmer Jr. "into the wilderness among the Lamanites." (v. 2.)
In Church History and Modern Revelation, Vol. 1, Elder Joseph Fielding Smith wrote: "From their study of the Book of Mormon, they had become enthusiastic over the [Lord's promisesT that a remnant upon this land should receive the truth."The desire being so great, it was agreed that the Prophet should inquire of the Lord, and the result was the calling of these men. . . .
"Take your map and trace the distance from Fayette, N.Y., to Independence, Mo., and figure the miles. It will be seen that this was no small distance and a great undertaking, much of which was through sparsely settled territory, before they could reach `the borders of the Lamanites.'
"A copy of the revelations pertaining to the call, they carried with them. They bade farewell to their brethren and friends . . . and cheerfully commenced their journey, preaching along the way, leaving their testimony as they went and eventually they reached Kirtland [OhioT. Here they tarried for some time.
"Before arriving at Kirtland, they did some preaching in Indian camps along the way. These Indians were of the Catteraugus tribe, and they received the brethren kindly. Two copies of the Book of Mormon were left with these Indians who could read and write."