Desire to change
Admit error- Rely on Lord
Spiritual rebirth is a mighty miracle that requires the power of God, said Elder J. Richard Clarke of the Presidency of the Seventy.
"My testimony today is that through Jesus Christ we can be born again. We can change," he affirmed Saturday morning. "We can change completely. And we can stay changed."
He recounted an example of a couple converted to the Church, John and Shirley Withers, whose acceptance of the gospel led to a "new set of priorities and values that replaced worldly interests. . . . They were baptized and received the Holy Ghost." Later, said Elder Clarke, the couple and their children were sealed as an
eternal family. "Their countenance reflected the resplendent beauty of the emancipation of the soul. We witnessed a spiritual rebirth as if from the grave."
Elder Clarke explained that "spiritual conversion is preceded by an intense desire for change and an admission that we need divine help. Only those who humbly open their hearts have the courage to admit error and place their trust in the Lord for forgiveness and redemption."
He concluded his address by speaking of the "sanctifying miracle of the Atonement," which, he said, "leads me to these conclusions":
"The incomprehensible severity of His suffering should convince us that we are loved and very important to our Heavenly Father. Otherwise, why would such suffering be permitted?
"Our Savior's sacrifice had to be a voluntary act of mercy. . . .
"The Atonement must be infinite and eternal, available to all mankind.
"I believe, to use an insurance phrase, we must pay the deductible. We must experience sorrow enough, suffering enough, guilt enough so we are conscious and appreciative of the heavier burdens borne by the Savior."
Elder Clarke said that treating the Atonement lightly, by willfully sinning and procrastinating repentance "shows a pitiful misunderstanding of repentance."
"Finally, we must acknowledge the gift and comply with the conditions so that redemption might be complete. Love motivates our obedience to God. To express our love and gratitude for the Atonement, we covenant with our Heavenly Father to take upon us the name of His Son and bear witness of Him at all times and in all places, observing His commandments.
"Through Jesus Christ, the Lord of Life, we can be raised from a death of error and sin to a spiritual rebirth of hope and eternal joy. He lives. He loves us. He pleads for us to come unto Him and find peace."