
Entering a house of God is a special privilege

Dedicated for purposes divine and eternal

Assist in accomplishing work of God"I need not remind you that it is a precious privilege to enter a House of the Lord and participate in the ordinances therein administered," said President Gordon B. Hinckley in his Sunday morning address that focused on temples.

"How remarkable is each of these sacred buildings which has been dedicated for purposes that are divine and eternal in their nature. They are available to all of us because of a price paid by others."

The heaviest price, he said, was paid by the Savior who gave His life for the sins of all mankind. "Because of that gift all are assured the blessings of the resurrection. And further because of that gift there may be eternal life and exaltation in our Father's kingdom if we make the effort to gain it," President Hinckley said.

President Hinckley, first counselor in the First Presidency, described the events at the April 1892 conference, when the capstone was placed on the Salt Lake Temple signifying the completion of construction. Members pledged that day to have the interior of the temple ready within a year so the temple could be dedicated on April 6, 1893. "But it was one thing to say yes in the excitement of the occasion and another to actually accomplish the work," President Hinckley related. "Some with practical minds and substantial experience said it could never be done. The building was a shell. A mighty work of consecrated effort was commenced to finish the interior."

"I hope that as we do so," President Hinckley said, "there will be stirred within each of us a flaming testimony of the divinity of this work and a spirit of gratitude to the Almighty whose kingdom this is."

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