The Highland California Stake has been created by Elder John H. Groberg of the Seventy. The stake includes the Highland 1st, Highland 2nd, San Bernardino 1st, San Bernardino 3rd, San Bernardino 6th, and San Bernardino 7th wards, and the Running Springs Branch.
Elder Julio E. Davila of the Seventy has created the Lima Peru Bayovar Stake, which includes the Arriba Peru, Bayovar, Mariscal Caceres, Valle Sagrado, and Villa Hermosa wards, and the Mariscal Luzuriaga and Wiese branches.New stakes
HIGHLAND CALIFORNIA STAKE: (March 14, 1993) President - Dennis A. Barlow, 45, senior assistant city attorney, former stake president's counselor, high councilor, stake executive secretary, stake Young Men president, bishop's counselor, married Annell Bradshaw. Counselors - Kent A. Rex, 46, plant manager for health care corporation, former high councilor, stake mission president, stake Young Men president, elders quorum president's counselor, married Jolene Gentry; Michael A. Scullin, 47, owner of lumber company, former high councilor, stake mission president, bishop and counselor, branch president, and elders quorum president and counselor, married Kristine Lee Purdy.
LIMA PERU BAYOVAR STAKE: (March 7, 1993) President - Augusto R. Ordinola Silva, 33, Church area office employee, former stake president, high councilor, and bishop's counselor, and ward mission leader, married Gladys Maria Alcantata Morales. Counselors - Nicolas Ayala Cisneros, 40, independent worker, former stake president's counselor, bishop, branch president, Young Men president, and seminary teacher, married Rosa Alayo Sanches; Fernando Rodriquez Chuchon, 32, university library employee, former high councilor, bishop's counselor, ward mission leader and Sunday School teacher, married Natividad Roncal Diaz.
Elsewhere stakes were reorganized in Colombia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, and the Philippines, and in Arizona, California, New Mexico, South Carolina, Utah and Wyoming.
Stake reorganizations
AUCKLAND NEW ZEALAND TAMAKI STAKE: (March 7, 1993) President - Moaseniatu Fonoti Sioli, 42, accounts payable clerk for door company, succeeding Lini Lyon To'o; former stake president's counselor, high councilor, bishop and counselor, and ward clerk, married Liliu Lillian Schwenke. Counselors - Heemi Te Ariki Witehira, 44, manager of funeral home, former high councilor, bishop's counselor, high priests leader, and ward mission leader, married Priscilla Dawn Ruru; Henare Reti, 41, clerk with New Zealand Rail, former stake Sunday School president, bishop, elders quorum president, and ward Sunday School president, married Carol Faith Johnson.
CALI COLOMBIA STAKE: (Feb. 20, 1993) President - Lizardo Amaya Hernandez, 33, Church Educational System regional coordinator, succeeding Alonso Durango; former stake president's counselor, high councilor and bishop's counselor, married Elsa Marina Granados. Counselors - Jesus Alfonso Arcos Castro, 54, operations supervisor, former high councilor and elders quorum president, married Martha Elena Oforio; Antonio Jose Triana Yusti, 34, physician, former bishop's counselor and Sunday School president, married Luz Amandi Vargas Beltran.
CALI COLOMBIA AMERICAS STAKE: (Feb. 21, 1993) President - T. Jair Izquierdo Londono, 29, taxi driver, succeeding Argemiro Trochez Chavez; former stake president's counselor, high councilor, bishop and counselor, and ward mission leader, married Ceron Adriana Castro. Counselors - Mario Restredo, 49, conductor, former bishop, married Deyruira Espinoza; Miguel Angel Escobar, 40, independent agent, former bishop and counselor, and ward financial clerk, married Gloria Amparo Aguilar.
COLUMBIA SOUTH CAROLINA STAKE: (Feb. 7, 1993) President - J. Edward Bass, 51, director of construction services for University of South Carolina, succeeding Dean R. Jacobs; former stake president's counselor, high councilor, stake Young Men president, and bishop and counselors, married Sidney Lynne Swensen. Counselors - Heber Samuel Branham, 63, owner of an auto service center, former mission president, stake president's counselor, high councilor, bishop and counselor, and Young Men president, married Glenda Lou Player; John Russell Jensen, 44, professor at University of South Carolina, former high councilor, stake Young Men president, and bishop and counselor, married Marsha McIntire.
EPHRAIM UTAH STAKE: (March 7, 1993) President - Ralph R. Brenchley, 52, associate professor of history at Snow College, succeeding Joseph Christensen Nielsen; former stake president's counselor, bishop and counselor, assistant high priests group leader, and Young Men president, married Clarene Taylor. Counselors - Jack R. Steck, 60, owner of glass company, former high councilor, bishop's counselor, and elders quorum president's counselor, married Francell Myers; Richard W. Wheeler, 38, assistant president of Snow College, former high councilor, stake mission president, and bishop's counselor, married Linda Nielson.
EVANSTON WYOMING STAKE: (March 7, 1993) President - Charles R. Nixon, 53, secondary education teacher, succeeding Rulon Robert Osmond; former stake president's counselor, high councilor, bishop, high priests group leader, and Young Men president, married Peggy Jean Raybourn. Counselors - David M. Canen, 41, maintenance foreman, former stake mission president's counselor, high councilor, stake mission president's counselor, stake clerk, bishop's counselor, elders quorum president, and Sunday School teacher, married Aileen Ricks; David S. Matthews, 33, environmental compliance engineer, former stake president's counselor, high councilor, stake clerk, stake mission president, bishop's counselor, married Cindy Ruth South.
GLENDALE ARIZONA NORTH STAKE: (Feb. 28, 1993) President - D. Kent Briggs, 54, administrator of facilities for school district, succeeding Blaine Ramon Case; former stake president's counselor, high councilor, bishop and counselor, and Sunday School president, married Paula Dee Hensley. Counselors - Michael T. Holdaway, 45, project manager for computer information services, former stake president's counselor, stake executive secretary, bishop and counselor, ward executive secretary, and elders quorum president and counselor, married Mary Robyn Moffat; Will W. Watson, 55, high school aerospace science instructor, former district president, high councilor, bishop and counselor, and elders quorum president, married Janet Christensen.
KAIKOHE NEW ZEALAND STAKE: (Jan. 31, 1993) President - Hira P.N. Christy, 43, mechanical designer for air conditioning company, succeeding Leslie Norman Going; former high councilor, bishop's counselor, branch president, high priests group leader, married Madeline Iris Green. Counselors - Charles Tipene, 60, dairy farmer, former stake president's counselor, high councilor, stake Young Men president's counselor, and bishop, married Aorangi Shortland; Arlen C. Armstrong, 49, funeral director, former stake president's counselor, high councilor, bishop, and elders quorum president, married Estler Tereina Witehira.
MENLO PARK CALIFORNIA STAKE: (Feb. 28, 1993) President - Boyd C. Smith, 52, president and partner of real estate company, succeeding Dale E. Miller; former high councilor, bishop and counselor, and Young Men adviser, married Jill Johnson. Counselors - Neil R. Call, 56, assistant superintendent of school district, former stake president's counselor, high councilor, stake executive secretary, stake Young Men president, and bishop and counselor, married Annie Jean Drage; Henry D. Taylor Jr., 62, business manager for computer company, former stake president's counselor, high councilor, bishop and counselor, Young Men president and Scoutmaster, married Colette Green.
MEXICO CITY MEXICO NETZAHLCYOTL STAKE: (Jan. 31, 1993) President - R. Moises Hernandez Guzman, 36, personnel supervisor, succeeding Evaristo De Leon Gayoso; former stake president's counselor, high councilor, and bishop, married Ma Dela Luz Ayala Romero. Counselors - Fernando Rafael Leon Perera, 29, Church Educational System accountant supervisor, former high councilor, stake mission president, stake clerk, bishop's counselor, and ward clerk, married Anoujo Mireya Rios; Jose Luis Aguilar Berni, 33, industrial engineer, former high councilor and bishop, married Norma Cruz Galarza.
OREM UTAH NORTH STAKE: (March 7, 1993) President - A. Jay Blair, 49, manager of exhibits for the Church Missionary Department, succeeding William Ladd Hollist; former high councilor, stake mission president, stake executive secretary, and bishop and counselor, married Nancy J. Newey. Counselors - Ron A. Watson, 49, school teacher, former high councilor, stake clerk, stake executive secretary, bishop, and executive secretary, married Judy Marie Morris; Tom W. Macdonald, 36, vice president of international operations for computer software company, former stake financial clerk, bishop and counselor, executive secretary, and Primary teacher, married Kaye Mangum.
SANTA FE NEW MEXICO STAKE: (March 7, 1993) President - E. Ray Martin, 53, research and development director for manufacturing of nuclear instruments, succeeding Paul Myron Goodfellow; former high councilor, stake Young Men president, bishop and counselor, seminary teacher, and Sunday School teacher, married Joan Kinnersley. Counselors - Greg B. Talley, 44, deputy Los Alamos, N.M., police chief, former high councilor, stake mission president, bishop, executive secretary, high priests group leader, and elders quorum president, married Susan Schofield; E. Leroy Garcia, 51, planner for mechanical service company, former bishop's counselor, ward mission leader, branch president's counselor, and Sunday School teacher, married Robbie Jean Horner.
TALISAY PHILIPPINES STAKE: (Feb. 14, 1993) President - Morrison S. Montesclaros, 38, production manager, succeeding Bienvenido R. Montera; former high councilor, stake Young Men president, bishop and branch mission leader, married Cosmenia Zafra Saavedra. Counselors - Teodorico Saludar Pacquiao, 40, owner of world trading company, former high councilor, branch president's counselor, executive secretary, elders quorum president, and branch clerk, married Cecilia Angkawidjaja; Winston Y. Lee, 37, field supervisor, former high councilor, bishop, district clerk, branch clerk, and elders quorum president, married Joanne Bono Purisima.