Section 76 speaks of those who are "not valiant in the testimony of Jesus." (v. 79.)
President Ezra Taft Benson, speaking in the April 1982 general conference, said: "Not to be valiant in one's testimony is a tragedy of eternal consequence. These are the members who know this latter-day work is true, but who fail to endure to the end. Some may even hold temple recommends, but do not magnify their callings in the Church. Without valor, they do not take an affirmative stand for the kingdom of God. Some seek the praise, adulation, and honors of men; others attempt to conceal their sins; and a few criticize those who preside over them."Elder Royden G. Derrick of the Seventy, addressing the April 1983 general conference, said: "There is a reward for valiancy in this drama of life. The Savior said, `And . . . you shall have eternal life, which gift is the greatest of all the gifts of God.' (D&C 14:7.) It is difficult to conceive of eternal life being a place of joy and happiness without those we love in this life. Based upon our valiance, our future life will include our wife or husband, our children, our parents - yes, our posterity as well as our progenitors."