
New stake presidencies

Elder Ted E. Brewerton of the Seventy has created the Malacatan Guatemala Stake, which includes the Catarina, Centro, El Rodeo, Libertad, Malacatan, San Pablo, San Rafael Pie Del Cuesta and Tecun Uman wards.

The Osasco Brazil Stake, which includes the Bela Vista, Carapicuiba, Novo Osasco, Rochdale, and Sao Paulo 17th wards, and the Itapevi branch has been created by Elder Harold G. Hillam of the Seventy.Elsewhere stakes were reorganized in Brazil, Chile and Italy, and in Utah.

New stakes

MALACATAN GUATEMALA STAKE: (May 9, 1993) President - E. Joel Barrios R., 30, elementary school teacher, former stake president's counselor, high councilor, bishop, and district president, married Mayra Rosybel De Leon Merida. Counselors - Manuel de J. Ruano M., 48, baker, former stake president's counselor and branch president, married Jovita Victoria Munoz Cifuentes; Mario L. Calderon R., 31, physician, former stake president's counselor and branch president, married Laura Aguilar Maldonado.

OSASCO BRAZIL STAKE: (April 18, 1993) President - Marcos A. Aidukaitis, 33, business partner, former regional welfare agent, Young Men president, and ward mission leader, married Luisa Englert. Counselors - Eduardo Martins Santana, 35, business owner, former bishop and counselor, elders quorum president, and Young Men president, married Ana Maria Amaro De Azevedo; Manoel Luiz Ferrao De Amorim, 34, marketing manager of consumer products, former stake mission leader, bishop's counselor, and high priests group assistant, married Marcia Do Carmo De Souza.

Stake reorganizations

RANCAGUA CHILE STAKE: (April 24, 1993) President - Carlos Aguilera Vasquez, retained. Counselors - Jose E. Saavedra Vergara, 39, machine room manager, former stake president's counselor, high councilor, ward mission leader, and branch president, married Margarita Mercedes Miranda Zebada; Jorge L. Diaz M., 31, electrician, former stake president's counselor, high councilor, stake clerk, ward clerk, and elders quorum president, married Lucy Paola Contreras Rancagua.

SANDY UTAH HILLCREST STAKE: (May 16, 1993) President - Jesse R. Peterson, 49, executive vice president and chief operating officer for wholesale metal distributors, succeeding Golden Kimball Berrett; former stake president's counselor, high councilor, bishop and counselor, Young Men president, and elders quorum president, married Virginia Ann Nielson. Counselors - Barry G. Mortenson, 50, medical sales representative, former high councilor, stake executive secretary, bishop and counselor, and Varsity coach, married Susan Jane Cox; James E. Tidwell II, 42, Church budget director, former mission president's counselor, high councilor, stake Young Men president's counselor, bishop and counselor, elders quorum president, and branch president, married Tomi Lynn Chamberlain.

SAO PAULO BRAZIL STAKE: (April 18, 1993) President - Claudio Cuellar, retained. Counselors - Nilo Maria Leal, retained; Eduardo V. Thomazini, 27, institute director, former high councilor, bishop, and Young Men president, married Maria Aparecida De Oliveira.

SAO PAULO BRAZIL TABOAO STAKE: (April 18, 1993) President - Jose Carlos Scisci Jr., 33, regional manager of software company, succeeding Aldo Francesconi; former bishop and counselor,

finance clerk, and Young Men president, married Rosana Silva. Counselors - Mario Helio Emerick, 30, security carrier manager, former bishop's counselor, elders quorum president, and Young Men president, married Regina Monica Godoy; Liugi Sato retained.

VENICE ITALY STAKE (April 18, 1993) President - Luigi Peloni, 40, city office manager, succeeding Claudio E. Luttmann; former temple sealer, high councilor, district president's counselor, and branch president, married Adele Buzzacchi. Counselors - Pietro Fusato, 42, director of commercial office, former high councilor, elders quorum president's counselor, branch president and counselor, Sunday School teacher, and Primary teacher, married Adriana Buico; Maurizio Polelli, 40, zone manager, former bishop, district president and counselor, and branch president, married Daniela Calzavara.

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