A set of the Encyclopedia of Mormonism is now part of the Australian National Library in Canberra, following a special presentation to Australian government leaders by Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Council of the Twelve.
The presentation was one of several to civic and government leaders in Australia that has placed the five-volume work in reference sections of major city and state libraries.These libraries include the Australian National Library in Canberra, the Victorian Library in Melbourne and the Sydney State Library in Sydney.
Elder Oaks presented the encyclopedia set to John Langmore, chairman of the Australian National Library Council and a member of the House of Representatives, the lower house of the country's national parliament.
In attendance at the presentation were Keith C. Nielsen, president of the Australia Sydney South Mission; Arnold Cummins, Canberra district president; and Slade Beard, district director of public affairs.
Another presentation was recently made in Melbourne for the Victorian State Library. The encyclopedia set was given to Haddon Story, state minister for the arts, tertiary education and training, representing the state government. Making the presentation was John Bailey, regional representative for Melbourne. He was accompanied by Graeme Cray, director of public affairs for the Melbourne region.
Derek Whitehead, director of technical services for the state library who also attended the presentation, spoke highly of the Church's other recent contributions to the state library. These included the computerized Pioneer Index and the Family Search programs.
In Sydney, the president of the Parramatta stake, Warren Meyer, presented a set of encyclopedias to Peter Collins, minister for the arts in the New South Wales state, at the Sydney Parliament House. Also in attendance were senior state library executives, Jim Bain and Janine Schmidt.
"The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is well-known for its pioneering traditions and its interest in family history and record-keeping," said Pres. Meyer as he presented the books. "These interests gave rise to the development of the Encyclopedia of Mormonism."