
Groundbreaking date set for Tt. Louis Missouri Temple

The groundbreaking ceremony for the St. Louis Missouri Temple will be held Oct. 30 at 2 p.m. at the temple site in the suburban community of Town and Country, the First Presidency has announced.

Plans to build the temple were announced in December 1991. Once construction begins, it is expected that the temple will be completed and ready for dedication in approximately two years.Groundbreaking for the St. Louis temple is the second announced in as many weeks by the First Presidency. On Sept. 18, the First Presidency announced that ground is scheduled to be broken Oct. 9 for the Mt. Timpanogos Utah Temple. (See Church News, Oct. 18.)

In addition, plans are being completed before construction begins on the Bogota Colombia Temple, for which ground was broken June 26. Other temple sites pending groundbreaking are Guayaquil, Ecuador; Hartford, Conn.; Hong Kong; Preston, England; and in Spain.

Temples in Bountiful, Utah, and Orlando, Fla., are past the halfway mark in construction, and are expected to be completed in about a year.

The First Presidency will preside at the St. Louis Temple groundbreaking service, to which members of the temple district are invited. The temple district includes 26 stakes in Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Missouri, Nebraska and Tennessee. The stakes, listed by the states in which their headquarters are located, are:


Fairview Heights Illinois

Nauvoo Illinois


Bloomington Indiana

Evansville Indiana

New Albany Indiana


Olathe Kansas

Topeka Kansas


Hopkinsville Kentucky

Lexington Kentucky

Louisville Kentucky

Martin Kentucky


Cape Girardeau Missouri

Columbia Missouri

Independence Missouri

Joplin Missouri

Kansas City Missouri

Liberty Missouri

Springfield Missouri

St. Louis Missouri

St. Louis Missouri North

St. Louis Missouri South


Lincoln Nebraska

Omaha Nebraska

Papillion Nebraska


Memphis Tennessee

Memphis Tennessee North

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