
1994 major LDS pageants

Here are performance dates and locations of major LDS pageants in 1994 as compiled by the Church Public Affairs Department:

March 26, 29-31, April 1-2 - "Jesus the Christ" at Arizona Temple Visitors Center in Mesa, Ariz.

June 22-25 - "A Frontier Story - 1833" at Independence Missouri Visitors Center.

July 7-9, 12-16 - "Mormon Miracle" on Manti Temple grounds in Manti, Utah.

July 8-9, 12-16 - "America's Witness for Christ" at Hill Cumorah in Palmyra, N.Y.

July 28-30, Aug. 2-6 - Castle Valley Pageant at Mountain Amphitheater in Castle Dale, Utah.

July 29-30, Aug. 2-6 - "City of Joseph" on hillside adjacent to Nauvoo Visitors Center in Nauvoo, Ill.

Aug. 12-13, 16-20 - "Martin Harris, the Man Who Knew" at amphitheater in Clarkston Cemetery, Clarkston, Utah.

Dec. 18-25 - Calgary Nativity Pageant at Heritage Park in Calgary, Alberta.

The next performance of "And It Came to Pass" at the Oakland Temple Interstake Center in Oakland, Calif., will be in 1995.

Additional information about any of the pageants may be obtained by calling (801) 240-2767, or by writing to Church Pageants, 430 W. 400 North, Salt Lake City, Utah 84103.

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