
A thought from the scriptures

Hearken, O ye people, and open your hearts and give ear from afar; and listen, you that call yourselves the people of the Lord, and hear the word of the Lord and his will concerning you. - D&C 63:1.

"We believe, and testify to the world, that communication with our Father in Heaven and direction from the Lord are available today," said Elder Howard W. Hunter, then a member of the Council of the Twelve, in the October 1981 General Conference. "We testify that God speaks to man as he did in the days of the Savior and in Old Testament times. We would say to the world: `Listen to and weigh the words of this conference; consider the direction and counsel that come from those who speak. Then, after prayerful pondering, that sweet warm conviction that comes from the Holy Spirit will testify to you of its truthfulness.' "

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