When Mark Graff, 13, received his Eagle Scout award at a Court of Honor on Sept. 25, he was the eighth son of C. Terry and Constance Graff of the Federal Way 1st Ward, Federal Way Washington Stake, to have earned the Eagle award.
The string started 11 years ago when Benjamin, Johnathan and Nathan earned their Eagles in 1983. Matthew received his award in 1984, Jordan in 1988, Brigham in 1990, and Neal in 1992. All attended Mark's Eagle Court of Honor.Joining Mark in receiving the award was Steven Richards whose brother, Michael, was presented his Eagle at the same Court of Honor where the first of the Graff brothers received their Eagles. Steven and Michael are the sons of Guy and Judi Richards. Brother Richards served as Scoutmaster for 14 years, assisting his own sons and the Graffs on the trail to the Eagle.