
New stake presidencies

Stakes have been reorganized in Brazil and Mexico, and in Alabama, Arizona, Montana, Nebraska, Vermont and Utah.

Stake reorganizations

CAMPO GRANDE BRAZIL STAKE: (Sept. 18, 1994) President - Jose Estevao Moraes Palma, 40, electronic engineer; succeeding Ricardo Kasimerczak; former stake president's counselor, district president and counselor, and branch president, married Maria Lucia Tostes Galao. Counselors - Cezar Henrique Bagatoli, 32, military officer, former stake president's counselor, high councilor, ward executive secretary, and elders quorum president, married Margareta Velasco Cunha; Vicente Maiorino Jr., 35, Church coordinator of teaching, former high councilor, bishop, finance clerk, and branch president, married Karla Mendes Braga.

CIUDAD MANTE MEXICO STAKE: (Oct. 16, 1994) President - Jesus Reyes Reyes, 27, elementary school teacher; succeeding Rosalio Chavez Padron; former high councilor, bishop, Young Men president, and seminary teacher, married Rebeca Jaime Ingram. Counselors - Saturnino Ramos Vazquez, 34, media teacher, former high councilor, stake mission president, bishop and counselor, elders quorum president, and branch president, married Mirtha Ochoa Velazquez; Martin Lara Cepeda, 44, chief of office of qualification in public education system, married Estela Martinez Elizalde.

GREAT FALLS MONTANA EAST STAKE: (Oct. 30, 1994) President - John Michael Barger, 38, Air Force major; succeeding Brian Loyal Pfile; former stake president's counselor, high councilor, stake director of public affairs, bishop and counselor, and elders quorum president, married Lauri Packard. Counselors - Lynn Scott Johnson, 48, psychologist, former high councilor, district councilor, bishop, elders quorum president and counselor, and Young Men president, married Kaye Vandiver; Pat Alan Beu, 39, director of student support services for College of Great Falls, former high councilor, stake clerk, bishop's counselor, ward clerk, and seminary teacher, married Gail Therese Gordon.

KEARNEY NEBRASKA STAKE: (Oct. 30, 1994) President - Brian Jack Hill, 33, professor at University of Nebraska; succeeding Arthur Haymore Taylor; former stake president's counselor, Young Men president, branch president and counselor, and Scoutmaster, married Karen Lee Dalton. Counselors - Dean Harold Curtis, 41, chairman of the board of Curtis & Associates, former district president and counselor, bishop, Young Men president, branch president, and Scoutmaster, married Julie Ann Whittaker; Douglas Steve Isernhagen, 39, Century Lab sales representative, former district president's counselor, stake Young Men president, bishop, branch president, branch elders quorum president, and branch Young Men president, married Pamela Jeanette Howell.

MONTGOMERY ALABAMA STAKE: (Oct. 9, 1994) President - Lynn F. Oborn, 52, director of rehabilitation services for Baptist Medical Center; succeeding John E. Enslen; former stake president, district president's counselor, high councilor, bishop, elders quorum president, Young Men president, and branch president, married Elaine Brown. Counselors - Charles Eric Boswell, 36, chemist, former bishop and counselor, high priests group leader, and elders quorum president, married Gloria J. Folks; Kevin Ray McLaughlin, 37, construction manager for Aronoy Realty, former stake Young Men president, married Christie Lynn Folsom.

MONTPELIER VERMONT STAKE: (Oct. 23, 1994) President - Richard Allen Baldwin Jr., 47, director of business development for B. F. Goodrich Aerospace; succeeding Asa James Walton, Jr.; former stake missionary, bishop and counselor, elders quorum president, and Young Men president, married Cheryl Sue Adamson. Counselors - Mark Owen Lords, 39, co-owner of real estate construction company, former stake executive secretary, bishop, high priests group leader, Young Men president, and seminary teacher, married Gwen Steinman; Britt Arthur Cummings, 42, product manager for IDX Systems, Corp., former stake executive secretary, stake Young Men president and counselor, bishop's counselor, branch president, and seminary teacher, married Michele A. Deslaurier.

OREM UTAH HILLCREST STAKE: (Oct. 30, 1994) President - Vernon Albert Marks, 50, vice president of North America operations for Valtek; succeeding Wynn Howard Hemmert; former bishop's counselor, ward clerk, seventies president, Young Men president, Sunday

School teacher, and Cubmaster, married Linda LaVerne Allen. Counselors - Ronald Lunt Liston, 47, administrative director of Rehabilitation Services for Utah Valley Regional Medical Center, former stake Young Men president, bishop, elders quorum president, and Scoutmaster, married Lola Dawn Pyne; John Warren Harding, 36, research manager for Novell Inc., former bishop, ward executive secretary, assistant ward clerk, elders quorum president's counselor, Young Men president's counselor, and Primary teacher, married Danetta Rae Jones.

PETROPOLIS BRAZIL STAKE: (Sept. 4, 1994) President - Marcos Jose Gamarano, 31, manager; succeeding Jose Marcos Magalhaes Dantas; former stake president's counselor, high councilor, stake mission president, and ward mission leader, married Sara Teixeira Coelho. Counselors - Derli Caetano, 31, manager for Waverly Jeans, former stake president's counselor, high councilor, stake clerk, and bishop, married Maria do Carmo Gall Carvalho; Jose Carlos de Castro Stunph, 33, clothing store owner, former high councilor and branch president, married Valeria Beck Quintanilha.

SCOTTSDALE ARIZONA NORTH STAKE: (Oct. 23, 1994) President - Robert William Lees, 51, president of The Robert W. Lees Company; succeeding Corwin LeRoy Ellsworth; former mission president, high councilor, stake missionary preparation director, bishop's counselor, and priests quorum adviser, married Kay Kaller. Counselors - J. Brent Rollins, 51, equine veterinarian, former stake president's counselor, high councilor, stake mission leader, bishop and counselor, Scoutmaster, and Varsity Scout coach, married Frances Lynn Odum; Edwin Luff Foutz, 57, owner of Shiprock Investments, former stake president's counselor, high councilor, bishop and counselor, and high priests group leader, married Jacqueline Beck.

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