
'I can feel joy by sharing the gospel with my friends'

Before I was baptized, my family had gone to Church several times, but then we stopped going. About two years after that, one day at school my best friend was talking about Church, so I said to my heart that I really missed Church. Maybe I could give it another try. So then when I got home, I heard my uncle and my mom talking about going back to Church, so I said that it would be a great idea - like next week. My mom said, "OK, I'll try to call the Church and ask the missionaries if they could pick us up to go to Church."

Sunday was coming, and I was so excited. Then it was Sunday, and when we got to Church I saw my best friend. I looked around the room. Everything had changed. I saw new faces and new things. It was so fun. Then it was time to go to our classes. I was only 9, so I went to Primary. I met so many people. I was excited and happy. I said to myself: "I should never ever give up. I should always have faith in what I am doing. I should always remember."I had been coming to Church for about 11/2 years when I said to the missionaries that I would like to be baptized. They said, "First, we have to come over to your house and teach you about the gospel." Whenever they taught me, I always learned something new. I was so happy. If I had not told them I wanted to be baptized, I guess I would never have had a chance to learn about the gospel.

Then it was time for me to be baptized. I was baptized Aug. 23, 1994. I was just so happy, really happy. Just before I got baptized, I said to myself that after I go into the water I will be clean and God will forgive me for what I did wrong. I said to myself that I should always remember this day.

I will always remember to have faith in myself, and I hope you could do that too. I can feel peace when I know I am a child of God, and I can feel joy by sharing the gospel with my friends and by telling them about the gospel. I can feel peace because I know that the Holy Ghost is always with me no matter what. I know Heavenly Father loves me and everybody else. I know that one day we will all be with each other in heaven, and we will be brothers and sisters again. I know that the Church is true. It makes me feel peaceful to know that everybody loves me, and I love them. I know I really have faith in God and when other people have faith in God it makes me feel peaceful.

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