
Living by the scriptures

"Teach them to be never weary of good works, but to be meek and lowly of heart; for such shall find rest unto their souls." - Alma 37:34

Many years ago I and my family joined the Church in England, and the Book of Mormon became our daily companion. We received much comfort and guidance through our daily studies and great joy in the gospel.

One winter's night we gathered around the fire with the children, talking and laughing. Suddenly these words came to my heart. "You have joy in your own family but what about the elderly lady." (This was a non-Mormon lady I included in my list as a visiting teacher. She lived alone and had no relatives).

There came a forceful feeling that she needed me, so I turned to my husband and said, "I must make this visit." He said "not tonight," and the children said the same, "not tonight, Mum." I picked up the Book of Mormon saying, "let's see what the message is for tonight." I opened the book and my eyes fell upon this scripture.

I put the book down and quietly left the room. It took me 15 minutes to get to her door, take the key out from its hiding place and go in. Her room was dark and cold, as there was no fire lit. I went to her bed and saw that she was shivering with cold. "What can I do for you, dear sister." She replied, "Just a warm cup of milk." I did as she requested and she felt warm again. I stayed for a while and then gently kissed her good-bye.

The next morning her home-helper phoned me and gave me the message that my friend had been called home. She had died in her sleep that night.

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