150 years ago
Large "capital stones" were being lifted atop the Nauvoo Temple, with a close call occurring Dec. 6, 1844, according to History of the Church 7:323.
In the words of President Brigham Young: "There has not been the slightest accident attending the raising of these large stones, except the second one which was set, the workmen undertook to move the stone a little nearer the building without having first fixed the guy ropes to the crane, and while in the attempt the crane fell over with a tremendous crash and fell within about a foot of Brother Thomas Jaap, one of the workmen, who ran as soon as he saw the crane falling, but happened to run in the same direction in which it fell. Providentially, no further damage was done than to the crane, which was partially broken."
President Young noted that concerns had been expressed about lifting the heavy stones so late in the year in inclement weather. "But it seems as though the Lord held up the storms and the cold for our advantage, until this important piece of labor has been accomplished to our utmost satisfaction and delight."
Quote from the past
"One of the great fundamental principles of our religion is the Divine authority which God has sent down from heaven and conferred upon man." - Elder Orson Pratt, in an address given June 24, 1860, in the Tabernacle on Temple Square.