
Church News: Job openings


Director of bands; requirements include doctorate or master's degree with graduate experience.- Assistant professor of humanities; requirements include advanced degrees in literature, humanities, music history, theater history, film or art history; doctorate preferred.

For either BYU-Hawaii position, send letter of application, accompanied by official BYU-Hawaii data form and employment confidential report, current curriculum vitae, official transcript of credits from institution where highest degree earned, statement of teaching and research interest, copies of publications, three letters of recommendation to Preston K. Larson, Division Chair, Division of Fine Arts, Box 1953, Laie, Hawaii 96762, (808) 293-3900; deadline, Feb. 1, 1995.


Position open for business manager; requirements include four-year accounting degree, minimum one year experience; contact BYU Employment, (801) 378-3563; deadline, Jan. 15, 1995.

Faculty openings in recreation management and/or youth leadership; requirements include doctorate in leisure studies, recreation, youth leadership or closely allied field, and college teaching experience; practice experience preferred; contact S. Harold Smith, Chair, RMYL, 273 RB, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602, (801) 378-4369, or e-mail:

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