
1995-96 Church News Almanac expands historical reach

The Deseret News 1995-96 Church Almanac includes histories of the Church in countries both well-known and not so well-known.

One of the latter countries, for example, is Slovakia, formerly the east side of Czechoslovakia. The first member in Slovakia was Valerie Ruzena Zizkova. She was baptized in what was then Czechoslovakia in 1939. Lost to the Church during much of the war and postwar era, she remained faithful and regained contact with the Church in 1992. During the time she lost contact, the Church was introduced into Slovakia and the Trencin Branch was created. Since then, a second branch has been created in Bratislava. While neither branch is near Sister Zizkova, she has been able to renew contact with the Church.This is just one example of the Church's missionary work expanding throughout the world. The almanac, which is published every other year, includes many other examples with histories of the Church in the 50 U.S. states, Canada's provinces, and more than 130 countries.

Also in the new almanac, among other features, are sections with a chronology of historical events, current photos of all the temples, news in review and Church membership statistics.

Almanacs may be purchased for $6.95 at the Deseret News, 30 E. First South, Salt Lake City, or for $8.75 by mail, which includes postage and handling. Use the adjacent coupon to order and send to: Church Almanac, P.O. Box 1257, Salt Lake City, UT 84110.

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