"Quorum advisers and Scoutmasters must be examples as priesthood holders and must possess the vision to create opportunities for Aaronic Priesthood youth to serve others. When we can offer a young man opportunities to serve others - to get outside of himself - we are well on our way to helping him get prepared for a mission. . . .
"Ward bishoprics, quorum advisers, and quorum presidencies are to create for the young man opportunities for spiritual experiences, friendship, and brotherhood, and while doing this the boy should have the benefits of Scouting, achievement, recreation, culture, the arts, and fun. But I stress that saving the souls of young men will take much more than fun and activities. It takes work, building experiences, and work experiences. In addition, it takes leadership example by men committed to teach, train, and inspire young men to reach beyond where they are so they may realize greater achievement. . . ."I say to you that it is not just programs or handbooks that will save boys. It is dedicated, inspired local leaders who take an interest in the individual boy." - Challenges for Leaders of Aaronic Priesthood, Young Men General Presidency and Board, Sept. 19, 1979.
"When you help a boy, a satisfied feeling takes hold of you. It never leaves, and this is why - you have helped a boy on his way to manhood, honorable manhood, and you have enriched your own life in the process." - Eagle Recognition Banquet, Logan, Utah, March 22, 1974.
"To awaken the youth of this land and to rekindle in the hearts of its leaders the high ideals of Scouting is to render one of the greatest services to our country. To guide the millions of eager, yearning, active youth who are enrolled in Scouting and the many more who might be added is the mightiest of obligations. To win their confidence is one of the greatest responsibilities and privileges of life.
"Let us mobilize men, hundreds of them, who love boys; who believe in them; who not only have the technical skills, but who will inspire them, because boys need inspiration even more than they need information." - God, Family, County, pp. 214-215.