
New stake presidencies

New stake

POMPANO BEACH FLORIDA STAKE: (Jan. 16, 1994) Created from Fort Lauderdale Florida and West Palm Beach Florida stakes. President - Richard M. Smith, 51, health care executive, former stake president and counselor, high councilor, and bishop, married Pamela Meeks. Counselors - Richard J. Faleschini, 47, business executive in the medical device industry, former high councilor, stake executive secretary, bishop, ward Young Men president, Gospel Doctrine teacher, married Bonnie Jean Smith; Robert F. Lake Jr., 41, general contractor, former stake president's counselor, high councilor, bishop's counselor, and elders quorum president, married Rolain De Pascale.

Stake reorganizations

FORT LAUDERDALE FLORIDA STAKE: (Jan. 16, 1994) President - George A. Holden, 57, president of an aerospace parts company, succeeding Pres. Richard M. Smith, now president of the new Pompano Beach Florida Stake; former stake president's counselor, high councilor, counselor in ward Young Men presidency, and Scoutmaster, married Ruth Lynn Trousdale. Counselors - Carl S. Haynie II, 41, design director for creative displays; former counselor in stake presidency, high councilor, stake Young Men president, and bishop, married Peggy Louise Mortensen; Richard P. Meijome, 41, bank executive; former stake president's counselor, high councilor, high priests group leader, ward Young Men president, married Susan Migliaro.

HOMESTEAD FLORIDA STAKE: (Jan. 16, 1994) Renamed from South Miami Florida Stake. President - Dean Michael Madsen, retained. Counselors - David S. Wood, retained; James W. Irey, 46, managing director of purchasing for transportation company, former bishop and stake mission president, married Linda Jean Grove.

MIAMI FLORIDA (SPANISH) STAKE: (Jan. 16, 1994) Renamed from Miami Florida Stake. President - Johnny R. West, 39, accountant, succeeding Terrance J. Barry; former stake president's counselor, bishop, ward clerk, and elders quorum president, married Noalia Diaz. Counselors - Mario B. Ayaviri, 48, civil engineer, former high councilor, stake mission president, bishop, and ward mission leader, married Gina Moriales; George Mavromatis, 32, import/export merchant, former temple worker, high councilor, bishop, stake and ward Young Men president, married Selma Vannunccini.

STUART FLORIDA STAKE: (Jan. 16, 1994) Renamed from West Palm Beach Florida Stake. President - Roderick D. Davies, retained. Counselors - John B. Van Akin, 50, national service manager for an instrument company, former stake president's counselor, high councilor, bishop, and Sunday School teacher, married Debra Schwalm; Donald J. Smarinsky, 43, dentist, former high councilor, stake executive secretary, stake Young Men president, bishop, ward mission leader, and ward clerk, married Jan Krukiel.

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