Opening for assistant or associate professor of information systems; requirements include doctorate or close to completion, those with master's degree and teaching experience considered; apply to William Neal, Dean, School of Business, BYU-Hawaii, Laie, Hawaii 96762, (808) 293-3580, or fax (808) 293-3582; deadline, March 15.
Dean of College of Physical Education; requirements include qualification as faculty member in college, experience in teaching, conducting research, administering academic programs; apply to Todd Britsch, Academic Vice President, Room A-387 ASB, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602, fax (801)378-3903; deadline, March 15.
Assistant dean of student life; requirements include doctorate in counseling/guidance or student personnel administration, five years related experience; contact BYU, C-40A ASB, Provo, Utah 84602, (801) 378-3563; deadline, March 31.