"If I were 18 years old, I would try to realize that the principal concept on which I could build a worthwhile life, here and hereafter, is that man is created by God and is responsible to Him for his acts. I would try by faith and study to establish a harmonious relationship with my Father in heaven. Inspired by my faith in Him and His prophets, I would serve willingly in His Church so that its organization could be an instrument to guide me through life and prepare me for the eternities to come.
"I would make every preparation to fill a mission for the Church, even at the risk of some formal higher education. An honorable mission is the greatest prize a Latter-day Saint can win for himself in his youth."I would learn to love people and learn how to get along with them. However, I would not surrender my beliefs and convictions in order to be accepted by any individual.
"I would constantly keep in mind that there are two parts to life - spiritual and temporal. If these two are not kept in proper balance, my life cannot be full. Achieving success in spiritual affairs will require from me greater self-denial, courage and training than success in temporal affairs.
"If I were 18, I would give serious consideration to what I wanted to do to earn my living. It is not easy to be spiritually sound when one is financially insolvent. I would try to realize that my best opportunities for success would come by doing well the kind of work that I like to do.
"I should not forget that all work is honorable, that there are many tasks in every line of work that are disagreeable, and that I must avoid following the course of least resistance, which makes both men and rivers crooked. I would remember that there is no excellency without labor."