
Remembering covenants leads to right choices

Constantly remembering covenants and acting on them is a way to overcome the temptation to follow the world's unrighteous trends, Elder Charles Didier said at the priesthood session Saturday evening.

"To remember is to keep in mind, to store in memory for later attention or consideration," explained Elder Didier of the Presidency of the Seventy. "I remember something so I can use it later for a certain purpose or result."As applied to spiritual matters, he said, the process involves remembering the gospel and the covenants, acting on them and receiving the blessings associated with them.

Reflecting on that pattern in his life, he shared some of his memories as a convert to the Church: his baptism and later receiving the Aaronic and the Melchizedek Priesthood.

Focusing on the doctrine of Jesus Christ "that will ensure the salvation of those who remember it, accept it and act upon it" will strengthen one in making the choice to serve the Lord, he said.

The concept of eternal marriage and family became his vision, goal and reality and his companion and he were sealed in the temple in Switzerland, he said to illustrate.

"Another determining factor in my conversion was the Church as a divine institution led by the authority of the priesthood," he noted. "It provided the framework that I needed for support as a member of that covenant group. I could not save my family by myself."

Elder Didier said the concept of priesthood and Church authority is on trial today by the world and even by some Church members.

"The commercial slogan Have it your way' certainly does not apply in God's plan for the salvation of His children when we read that the very cause of apostasy is whenevery man walketh in his own way and after the image of His own god,' (D&C 1:16)."

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