
New stake presidencies

Elder Helvecio Martins of the Seventy has created the Curitiba Brazil Novo Mundo Stake, which includes the Araucaria, Campo Comprido, Fazendinha, Luz and Novo Mundo wards, and the Parque Verde, and Rondon branches.

Elsewhere, stakes were reorganized in Australia, and in California, Idaho, Indiana, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Utah.

New stake

CURITIBA BRAZIL NOVO MUNDO STAKE: (Feb. 20, 1994) Created from the Curitiba Brazil Portao and Curitiba Brazil Boqueirao stakes. President - Valdemiro Skraba, 46, manager of transportation, former stake president's counselor, bishop, elders quorum president, branch president, and executive secretary, married Maria Joana Machado. Counselors - Luiz Antonio Cruzato, 51, supervisor and instructor of business machines, former bishop and counselor, elders quorum president, and Sunday School teacher, married Zilda Maria Costa Mendes; Roberto Luis Nunes, 31, salesman, former high councilor, bishop, elders quorum president, and high priests group leader, married Macia A. Andrade Salles.

Stake reorganizations

ADELAIDE AUSTRALIA MARION STAKE: (March 6, 1994) President - Keith Barry Klemasz, 48, owner and operator of floorcoverings firm, succeeding Barry Lee; former bishop and counselor, ward mission leader, elders quorum president, and Young Men president, married Valerie Ann Forrest. Counselors - Ronald Frederick Hooper, 29, state supervisor with Nestle Company, former district president, high councilor, stake mission president and counselor, ward mission leader, and stake youth activity chairman, married Diane Elizabeth Keane; Bernd Ranier Korte, 36, principal power system development engineer with Electricity Trust of South Australia, former high councilor, stake mission president, stake Sunday School president's counselor, stake physical activities specialist, bishop's counselor, Young Men president, and deacons quorum advisor, married Kerrie Anne Egan.

ALTAMONT UTAH STAKE: (April 10, 1994) President - Laymon Robert Marshall III, 50, teacher for Duchesne School District, succeeding Everett Dee Roberts; former bishop and counselor, elders quorum president, Young Men president, and Scoutmaster, married Susan Louise Vance. Counselors - Curtis Lloyd Walker Jr., 54, self-employed rancher and construction contractor, former high councilor, bishop, and elders quorum president, married Peggy LaRue Ralphs; Tommy C. Thacker, 37, owner and operator of Thacker's Repair, former high councilor, stake and ward Young Men president, bishop, and elders quorum president and counselor, married Jean Burton.

BLUFFDALE UTAH STAKE: (April 17, 1994) President - Joseph Kimball Butterfield, 51, vice president and area manager of Zions First National Bank, succeeding Michael Jeppson; former high councilor, stake mission president, bishop and counselor, and elders quorum president, married Montez Hansen. Counselors - Robert Price Crowther, 45, principal and teacher with Church Educational Systems, former high councilor, bishop and counselor, and Young Men president, married Brenda Vawdrey; Larry Wayne Madsen, 40, national account manager with AT&T, former bishop's counselor and Young Men president, married Dianne Doxey.

CHULA VISTA CALIFORNIA STAKE: (April 17, 1994) President - Paul Bridgman Duncan, 39, vice president of tool supply company, succeeding Richard Charles Sorenson; former bishop and counselor, Young Men president, elders quorum president's counselor, deacons quorum adviser, and seminary teacher, married Lori Ann Cameron. Counselors - Brent Wrigley Toolson, 31, owner of construction company, former stake president's counselor, Young Men president, elders quorum president's counselor, priests quorum adviser, gospel doctrine teacher, and seminary teacher, married Stacy Lee Strong; William Clyde Watson, 49, owner of William Watson & Associates, former high councilor, bishop and counselor, and Young Men president, married Nita Marie Crane.

COLUMBUS OHIO EAST STAKE: (March 27, 1994) President - Kurt D. Southam, 43, president of Zandex Health Care Corp., succeeding Kenneth G. Petersen; former stake president's counselor, high councilor, bishop, branch president, Young Men president, and Scoutmaster, married Jeanne Ann Gayman. Counselors - Gene Allen Shepard, 62, attorney, former high councilor, stake Sunday School president, bishop and counselor, executive secretary, and Special Interest representative, married Patricia Ann Anderson; William Kim Rawlinson, 41, physician, former high councilor, bishop and counselor, executive secretary and Scoutmaster, married Colleen Marie Barney.

ELY NEVADA STAKE: (April 10, 1994) President - Gilbert McLeod Griffin, 38, manager of farm equipment dealership, succeeding Nolan D. Howes; former stake president, high councilor, bishop, assistant ward clerk, and Young Men president, married Jeanne Carter. Counselors - Richard William Hasler, 39, geologist, former high councilor, bishop and counselor, ward clerk, high priests group leader, and ward mission leader, married Julie Montague; Dee Leon Beckwith, 47, maintenance supervisor with care center, former high councilor, bishop, and elders quorum president, married Catherine Ann Abel.

FORT WAYNE INDIANA STAKE: (April 17, 1994) President - Jon Reed Knecht, 43, president and part-owner of corporation; succeeding Elvis J. Holt, former high councilor, stake mission president, bishop and counselor, elders quorum president, Sunday School teacher, and seminary teacher, married Linda Jo Haupert. Counselors - Donald W. Haupert, 64, farmer, former regional welfare agent, stake president's counselor, high councilor, bishop, and ward mission leader, married Wanda L. Alberson; Dan Masahiko Watanabe, 45, marketing representative for IBM, former stake president's counselor, high councilor, stake mission president, ward mission leader, elders quorum president, and stake athletic director, married Julia Mae Dean.

MAGNA UTAH SOUTH STAKE: (April 10, 1994) President - Berne Steven Broadbent, 39, patent attorney, succeeding Hendrik Dorenbosch; former high councilor, stake Sunday School president, bishop and counselor, and high priests group leader, married Suzanne Claybrook. Counselors - Don Kevin Imlay, 40, commercial loan officer and vice president of First Security Bank, former stake president's counselor, high councilor, bishop and counselor, elders quorum president and counselor, and gospel doctrine teacher, married Colleen Cay Chellson; Robert Earl Keddington, 35, teacher with Granite School District, former stake Young Men president's counselor, bishop's counselor, high priests group leader, Sunday School president and teacher, married Linda Kay Tippetts.

MC CAMMON IDAHO STAKE: (April 10, 1994) President - Timothy Bell Shaffer, 48, senior agent for Allstate Insurance, succeeding Richard Dan Stephenson; former stake president's counselor, high councilor, bishop and counselor, and teachers quorum adviser, married Leta K. Dahlke. Counselors - John Steven Myler, 38, program assistant for U.S. Department of Agriculture, former bishop, ward executive secretary, elders quorum president's counselor and quorum instructor, Young Men president, and Sunday School teacher, married Karen Jean Criddle; Mark Duane Samuelson, 49, sales consultant for motor company, former high councilor, stake clerk, bishop, Sunday School president, elders quorum teacher, and Cub Master, married Shirley Darlene Hough.

REXBURG IDAHO STAKE: (April 24, 1994) President - Max Lyn Wade, 45, apartment building owner, succeeding Merlin Rex Bennion; former high councilor, bishop and counselor, elders quorum president, and Young Men president, married Deanna Grace Ricks. Counselors - Don Gary Archibald, 50, president of Archibald Agency, former high councilor, bishop's counselor, elders quorum president, and Young Men president, married Patricia Stanger; Philip Coy Wightman, 57, chairman of Division of Religious and Family Life at Ricks College, former high councilor, bishop and counselor, and gospel doctrine teacher, married Patsy LoAnn Wright.

SALT LAKE SUGAR HOUSE STAKE: (March 27, 1994) President - Robert Lynn Miner, 43, comptroller for Lewis Bros. Stages, Inc., succeeding Glen S. Cahoon, former stake president's counselor, high councilor, bishop, stake seventies president, ward mission leader, and instructor in Salt Lake Mission Home, married Starlene Fewkes. Counselors - Dick LeRoy Powell, 67, Granite School District art teacher, former high councilor, stake and ward Young Men president, ward executive secretary, ward clerk, and gospel doctrine teacher, married Jerry Fern Bean; John Justin Nash, 56, assistant store manager at ZCMI Cottonwood, former high councilor, stake mission president's counselor, bishop's counselor, seventies quorum president, and high priests group leader's assistant, married Mary Earlene Everett.

SCRANTON PENNSYLVANIA STAKE: (April 17, 1994) President - Bradley Searight Mains, 43, director of compensation and benefits, succeeding Glen Thompson Sessions; former high councilor, stake clerk, bishop and counselor, Young Men president, Primary teacher, and Scoutmaster, married Cheri Ann Bell. Counselors - Richard Arthur Brock, 48, leasing representative of Mark Centers Trust, former high councilor, bishop, elders quorum president's counselor, Sunday School president, and Blazer leader, married Dawn Marie Howard; Russell James Stankiewicz, 39, physician, former bishop, ward mission leader, Young Men president, gospel essentials teacher, and Cub Master, married Barbara Jean Kamor.

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