
Dedication culminates celebration

Culminating the celebration of the Church's arrival here 150 years ago, Elder Russell M. Nelson offered a dedicatory prayer and blessing of French Polynesia.

Elder Nelson of the Council of the Twelve pronounced the sacred blessing early Sunday, May 8.The dedication services were held on the west lawn behind the Papeete Tahiti Temple where Elder Nelson and 34 other members gathered on a grassy slope still wet from a refreshing night rain.

In a conference meeting a few hours later, Elder Nelson commented about the significance of the blessing:

"The First Presidency and Council of the Twelve pondered the situation in French Polynesia carefully," he said. "Two weeks ago, the First Presidency and Council of the Twelve made the decision, in conjunction with the sesquicentennial culminating today, that an apostolic prayer of dedication should be given."

He said that records of the Church were searched in vain to find a dedication prayer given previously, but "now, that has been accomplished."

"What does that mean? It means the Lord will bless French Polynesia according to that prayer. The people of this territory will be blessed. The elected and governmental officials will be blessed. The natural resources will be blessed to the end that the work of the Church will increase. The elect of the Lord will find Him and prepare themselves for the temple."

He added, "The fulfillment of the blessing I leave in your hands."

In the prayer, Elder Nelson noted: "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has a rich and remarkable history among these islands of the South Pacific ocean. Its missionaries served here even before its leaders reached Utah's valleys of the Great Salt Lake where its world headquarters were to be established. Missionaries sent by the Prophet Joseph Smith in 1843 from Nauvoo, Ill., to these islands, were the Church's first to be called to a language and culture foreign to them. Here they served for many years while separated from families, colleagues, and modes of transportation and communication. Their initial success on Tubuai and in the Tuamotus set the pattern for other missionaries to emulate. Their achievements grew from sacrifice and service that we acknowledge with a deep sense of gratitude and awe. . . .

"Specifically included [in the dedication] are the Society Islands, the Tuamotu Islands, the Marquesas Islands, the Gambier Islands, the Austral Islands and others that comprise this territory.

"Wilt thou bless these islands with a rich portion of thy holy Spirit, that its citizens and their visitors may learn thy commandments and be obedient to them, that they may prosper in thy love. Let there be a resurgence of missionary zeal, that thine elect may be gathered prior to the second coming of thy Son, which is nigh. These islands are rich with the blood of Israel. Bless thine elect to find thee and enter the waters of baptism, remain faithful, and prepare for the ordinances and covenants of thy holy temple."

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