
This week in Church history

50 years ago

LDS men and women serving in the armed forces continued to draw strength from their participation in Church services, according to the June 17, 1944, Church News.Several articles in the June 17 issue dealt with Church members in the military. Elder Hugh B. Brown, president of the British Mission and coordinator for LDS servicemen, had written a letter to the Church News discussing his experiences with men and women stationed in Great Britain.

"Since arriving in Britain, it has been my pleasure to visit and hold meetings in 15 different districts where our men are in training. Our crowds vary in size from a few to several hundred, depending on the size and number of camps in the area visited. . . .

"While the men seem to appreciate having someone come among them to preside and do some of the preaching, the really enthusiastic meetings are those where all are invited to participate in the good old-fashioned testimony meeting. . . . I have enjoyed testimonies at home, in the mission field and in foreign countries, but there is a quality, a fervor, a soul-melting earnestness about these boys who yesterday looked into the face of death and who know that tomorrow they must again brave the flak and the enemy fighters, the soupy' weather and the channel below. When they say,I thank God for my blessings,' you know they are not just repeating an expected phrase. . . ."

Elder Brown added that most of the men were "in very good health and spirits."

Quote from the past

"There is not a single thought of our heart which He does not comprehend; there is nothing connected with us He does not know." - President George Q. Cannon, in an address given Oct. 5, 1879, in the Tabernacle on Temple Square.

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