Details of a $760,000 Rwanda relief package, initiated several weeks ago, were announced July 28 by the First Presidency.
The Church does not routinely announce details of each of its many humanitarian relief projects. This week's announcement is in response to queries from a number of sources as to what the Church has done to assist with humanitarian aid for Rwanda.The package has several elements:
Some 320,000 pounds of essential food items, medical supplies, clothing and blankets, approved several weeks ago as the crisis began to unfold. These materials have an estimated value of $550,000. The Church has been told that there are large stockpiles of these goods at several locations surrounding Rwanda and that its offering will be called for when needed. Church officials are working closely with reputable international relief agencies on the method of timing the shipment.
One hundred thousand dollars in cash to assist immediately in the distribution of goods contributed by others and already stockpiled in Africa, waiting to go into Rwanda. This money will go to a reputable international relief agency.
Emergency medical supplies and soap, valued at $10,000, to be shipped immediately through selected relief agencies.
One hundred thousand dollars in cash to assist in the distribution of the food and supplies being donated by the Church, when those supplies are called for.
The Church assistance is part of its overall humanitarian service program. In recent years, Church personnel, financial and other resources have been made available to a variety of organizations and projects in more than 50 countries and many states in the United States.