
Missionary moments: Little angel

I am 11 years old and am a Merrie Miss B. On April 2, I went with the sister missionaries to the Yuma (Ariz.) County Fair. We were working at a booth for the Church. A security guard came over to the booth and started talking to us. He told me his grandson is on a mission in the Philippines. His grandson is the only one in his family who is a member of the Church.

He also told me he couldn't become a Mormon because he smokes and drinks beer and coffee. He said there was no way he could give them up.He went away and came back with a cup of coffee. I told him coffee is bad for his health. He asked me why coffee is bad. I gave him a little puppy dog face and told him he should throw away his cup of coffee. He looked at me, told me I was too convincing, walked over to the trash can and threw away his full cup of coffee. He said, "I did that for you; now I'm getting out of here before you convert me."

Later that night, he came back, opened his pocket, handed me his cigarettes and excitedly told me to "toss 'em." I was so amazed I could hardly move, but I managed to make it to the trash can.

I picked up a picture of Christ and wrote a little note on the back. I gave it to him and instantly he read it. I looked at him. He had tears in his eyes; he whispered, "Thank you."

The security guard later received the missionary discussions. He called me his little angel. This was a good experience for me. It's important that we share the gospel with others so they can know about it and so they can be saved. My family joined the Church in 1992. At the time, sister missionaries were living with my grandmother. My mother sold make-up products and wanted to give the missionaries a facial. They said she could give them a facial if they could share with us the discussions. We had the discussions and were baptized. I was 9 years old.

Because others shared the gospel with us, I feel it's important to share it with others. I know the gospel is true, and it makes me feel good inside when I talk about it.

I don't know if my new friend will be baptized, but even if he doesn't I've learned you have to let people make up their own minds. I don't want someone joining the Church for me; I want it to be for them.

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