
Church News: Job openings


Full-time faculty position in electronics engineering technology; requirements include three years industrial experience and at least an MSEE or equivalent degree, background in lightwave, communication and related technologies; contact EET Search Committee, Brigham Young University, 365A CTB, Provo, Utah 84602- Furniture refinisher; requirements include four years journeyman experience, expertise matching/mixing paints/

stains to existing finishes and perfataping and wall covering, and knowledge of woods, paints, finishes, operation of paint booth; contact BYU, C-40A ASB, Provo, Utah 84602, (801) 378-3563; deadline, Sept. 9.

Polynesian Cultural Center

Sales and marketing manager; requirements include a graduate degree in business administration or travel management, 10 or more years of successful sales and marketing experience at a managerial level, experience with successful sales and marketing campaigns; contact VP of Human Resources, 55-370 Kamehameha Highway, Laie, Hawaii 96762, or fax to (808) 293-3022.

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