"Center Street," a Church-sponsored weekly news program geared to teenagers, is highlighting youth "exchange" activities in its third series.
Now airing on Faith & Values Channel, the third series, which includes 13 episodes, is featuring such "exchange" activities as a group of teenagers from Pleasant Grove, Utah, being hosted for several days in the inner city of Chicago. In return, the Utah youth will host their Chicago friends for several days in their Intermountain state.The third series of "Center Street" began airing in June on the Faith & Values Channel, which is a combination of two networks known as the Vision Interfaith Satellite Network (VISN) and the American Christian Television System (ACTS). VISN and ACTS combined in October 1992 to form the VISN/ACTS network. The name was changed to Faith & Values Channel in January 1994. (Please see Dec. 18, 1993 Church News.) Video West Productions, a member of Bonneville International Group, started production of the first series of "Center Street" in 1992.
"Center Street" is a half-hour show hosted by teenagers who address issues affecting young people today, such as current events, the influence of drugs and sex, and community service - all in the context of traditional Christian values.
The "exchange" stories in the third series are part of "Center Street's" lifestyle features, which have played a key role on the youth program. In the second series, the program included a two-part feature on farm living that featured city teenagers who volunteered to live on a farm in Idaho for several days.
New in the third series are two regular features, "Food Lady," offering teenagers tips on a wide range of food-related topics, and "The Ultimate Science Guy," introducing Paul Hoffman, editor-in-chief of Discover magazine. In addition, "Center Street" has taken on a more contemporary look this year, including a new set, and new colors and music that will appeal to high-school-age teenagers.
The third series also will begin airing on KSL-TV Sept. 17 and on KBYU-Channel 11 Oct. 16. Video West Productions is currently beginning production of the fourth series of "Center Street," which is scheduled to begin airing on the Faith & Values Channel in January.