
New stake presidencies

The Beaverton Oregon West Stake has been created by Elder Spencer J. Condie of the Seventy. The new stake includes the Beacon Hill, Canyon Road, Cooper Mountain, Farmington, Hazeldale, Hillsboro, and Mountain View wards, and the Tualatin Valley branch.

Elsewhere, stakes have been reorganized in South Africa, and in Arizona, California, Idaho, Michigan, Minnesota, Oregon, Texas, and Utah.

New stake

BEAVERTON OREGON WEST STAKE: (Nov. 12, 1995) Created from the Beaverton Oregon, Cedar Mill Oregon, and Hillsboro Oregon stakes. President - William Stanley Richardson, 47, chairman of the board for Portland Bagel Bakery, former stake president and counselor, high councilor, bishop and counselor, and seventies quorum president, married Kathleen Baldwin Hall. Counselors - Don G. Duncombe, 56, manager for Albertsons, former high councilor, stake Sunday School president, and bishop and counselor, married Constance Cannon; Richard O. Fowler, 41, president and chief executive officer for Con-Test Systems Inc., former high councilor, stake missionary, elders quorum president and counselor, Young Men president, and Primary teacher, married Roberta Stowell.

Stake reorganizations

APACHE JUNCTION ARIZONA STAKE: (Nov. 5, 1995) President - Stephen R. Harms, 48, teacher for Mesa public schools, succeeding Charles Wray Squires; former high councilor, stake missionary, bishop and counselor, executive secretary, high priests group leader, elders quorum president's counselor and instructor, Young Men president, Sunday School teacher, and deacons quorum adviser, married Susan Pace. Counselors - Paul A. Burch, 40, dairy sales consultant for Federated Genetics, former high councilor, bishop, elders quorum president, Young Men president, Scouting committee member, Scoutmaster and assistant, married Pamela Jones; Raymond H. Moyers, 43, general superintendent for SCP Construction, former high councilor, stake Young Men president's counselor, bishop and counselor, and Scoutmaster and assistant, married Kathy Jo Malherbe.

ARLINGTON TEXAS STAKE: (Nov. 5, 1995) President - Terry W. Peal, 55, senior vice president of operations for YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas, succeeding Richard Stephen Pickering; former stake president's counselor, stake executive secretary, bishop and counselor, elders quorum president, and seminary teacher, married Judith Irene Colwell. Counselors - S. Gene Sadler, 57, principal engineer for Bell Helicopter Textron, former stake president's counselor, high councilor, stake executive secretary, bishop, and Scoutmaster, married Suzanne Rich; Ray J. Perry, 43, director of quality and transportation for Union Pacific Railroad, former high councilor, stake mission president's counselor, bishop and counselor, and Young Men president's counselor, married Lucy Ruth Pointer.

BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA STAKE: (Nov. 12, 1995) President - William F. Johns, 56, technical coordinator for hydrotreating and hydrocracking for Texaco, succeeding C. Allen Andersen; former high councilor, stake mission president, bishop and counselor, ward clerk, executive secretary, high priests group leader, and Scoutmaster, married Connie Keetch. Counselors - Michael L. Hawkins, 45, general manager for M.P. Cogeneration Co., former high councilor, stake executive secretary, and bishop and counselor, married Iva Pearl Oliver; Aaron B. Speirs, 39, petroleum engineer for Shell Oil, former high councilor, bishop and counselor, high priests group leader, ward mission leader, Young Men president, and seminary teacher, married Pamela Nelson.

BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA SOUTH STAKE: (Nov. 5, 1995) President - Edmond Anders Mortensen, 48, self-employed clinical social worker, succeeding Jack Ray Zimmerman; former stake president's counselor, high councilor, bishop, and seminary teacher, married Kristeen Marie Poulson. Counselors - Melvin J. Thompson, 48, attorney and partner in firm of Austin, Thompson & Sims, former high councilor, stake mission president, stake clerk, stake seventies president, bishop, branch president's counselor, and seminary instructor, married Kathleen Patrice Jacobs; Dale E. Ferguson, 41, claim superintendent for State Farm Insurance, former high councilor, bishop and counselor, and Young Men president, married Janise Louise Lacy.

BEAVERTON OREGON STAKE: (Nov. 12, 1995) President - Robert L. Fulkerson, 49, vice president and manager of special assets group for Bank of America Oregon, succeeding William Stanley Richardson; former regional athletic director, stake president's counselor, high councilor, bishop and counselor, elders quorum president's counselor, Young Men president, and seminary teacher, married Barbara Lind. Counselors - D. Marshall Goodrich, 49, dentist, former high councilor, bishop's counselor, high priests group assistant, seminary instructor, and Scoutmaster, married Jennie Lee Bushnell; John A. Chambers, 48, accountant and managing partner of Isler & Co., former high councilor, stake mission president, bishop and counselor, seventies group leader and president, and teachers quorum adviser, and seminary teacher, married Kathleen Jane Hopkins.

BENSON UTAH STAKE: (Nov. 5, 1995) President - Jerry M. Toombs, 40, president of Summit Planning Inc., succeeding William Howard Horton; former bishop, Young Men president, elders quorum instructor, priests quorum adviser, deacons quorum adviser, and Explorer leader, married Elizabeth Joyce Stettler. Counselors - Edward L. Cottle, 50, teacher for Cache County School District, former high councilor, bishop and counselor, ward clerk, and gospel doctrine teacher, married Janet Griffin; Douglas Rigby Bird, 46, salesman for Ellis Equipment Co., former high councilor, bishop, elders quorum president, and Young Men president, married MaRee Brown.

BLACKFOOT IDAHO NORTHWEST STAKE: (Nov. 12, 1995) President - O. DeVaughn Shipley, 59, vice president of accounting operations for Basic American Foods, succeeding Larry Jay Clement; former high councilor, bishop, assistant ward clerk, Sunday School teacher, and Scoutmaster, married Patricia Kay Jackson. Counselors - Gary E. Korth, 57, research scientist for Lockheed-Martin Idaho Technologies, former high councilor, stake training committee, bishop and counselor, and Young Men president, married Jean Bingham; T. Layne Van Orden, 49, self-employed certified public accountant, former high councilor, bishop and counselor, and elders quorum president, married Karen Lee Draper.

DURBAN SOUTH AFRICA STAKE: (Nov. 19, 1995) President - Garith C. Hill, 41, self-employed manager of Burg Products, succeeding Colin H. Bricknell; former mission president's counselor, stake president's counselor, high councilor, ward mission leader, elders quorum president, and branch president, married Lyris Matthews. Counselors - Bradley C. Bricknell, 29, student at University of Natal, former high councilor, bishop's counselor, ward mission leader, elders quorum president's counselor, and Young Men president, married Mary Bonita Hattingh; Colin Wilford, 27, intern clinical psychologist at Addington Hospital, former stake president's counselor, high councilor, stake Young Men president's counselor, elders quorum president, and ward Young Men president, married Aurene Coppard.

HILLSBORO OREGON STAKE: (Nov. 12, 1995) President - John Reed Powell, retained. Counselors - John W. Howarth, 56, former stake president's counselor, married DeAnne Haws; Clifford F. Nielson, 65, general manager of Donelson, Sewell & Mathews & Valley Memorial Park, former high councilor, stake executive secretary, stake Young Men president, bishop, and high priests group leader and assistant, married Audrey Shirley Ferris.

KALAMAZOO MICHIGAN STAKE: (Nov. 12, 1995) President - Dana J. Nickens, 40, statistician for Pharmacia & Upjohn, succeeding Joseph Charles Remund; former stake president's counselor, high councilor, bishop's counselor, elders quorum president, and Scoutmaster, married Celia Lynn Sylvester. Counselors - Steven F. Francom, 48, biostatistician for the Upjohn Co., former high councilor, bishop and counselor, and ward clerk, married Sally Edith Rodeback; Steven P. Hockett, 47, deputy commander of defense reutilization and marketing service for the U.S. Air Force, former high councilor, stake Young Men president and counselor, bishop and counselor, and deacons quorum adviser, married Karen Lee Anderson.

ROCHESTER MINNESOTA STAKE: (Nov. 12, 1995) President - Darrell W. Krueger, 52, president of Winona State University, succeeding Richard Arlin Robb; former high councilor, stake Young Men president, bishop, priesthood adviser, and branch Young Men president, married Nancy Leane Jones. Counselors - Thomas N. Spackman, 46, anesthesiologist for Mayo Clinic, former high councilor, stake Young Men president, bishop, ward mission leader, ward Young Men president, and ward organist, married Susan Elizabeth Hicken; John R. Ferrara, 48, lead engineer for IBM, former high councilor, stake Young Men president, bishop and counselor, and ward Young Men president, married Karon Crawford.

VISTA CALIFORNIA STAKE: (Nov. 19, 1995) President - Dayne G. Gardner, 57, group manager of computer systems for Visi Com Laboratories, succeeding Robert Denis McKinley; former mission president's counselor, stake president's counselor, high councilor, stake clerk, bishop, Young Men president, and seminary teacher, married Elizabeth Lunt. Counselors - David L. Heid, 45, teacher and baseball coach for Fallbrook High School, former high councilor, stake executive secretary, bishop and counselor, and seminary teacher, married Delynn Susan Parry; L. Frederick Schmidt, 45, owner and manager of Lou's Auto and Radiator, former high councilor, stake mission president, bishop, and ward mission leader, married Elizabeth Ann Brodbeck.

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