
Observe Sabbath day; avoid Sunday shopping

Plan ahead

Encourage others- Use influence

As a covenant people, Latter-day Saints should encourage proper observance of the Sabbath Day by not shopping on Sunday, emphasized Elder Earl C. Tingey of the Seventy.

"If we will not shop on Sunday, businesses which open on Sunday will have no financial reason to remain open on Sunday. It's really that simple," he declared in the Saturday morning session.

Elder Tingey noted that from the beginning of time, God instructed His people through prophets to honor the Sabbath Day. This teaching was renewed in modern times: "And that thou mayest more fully keep thyself unspotted from the world, thou shalt go to the house of prayer and offer up thy sacraments upon my holy day; For verily this is a day appointed unto you to rest from all your labors, and to pay thy devotions unto the most High." (D&C 59:9-10.)

Elder Tingey quoted President Gordon B. Hinckley as saying:

" `I wish I had the power to convert this whole Church to the observance of the Sabbath. I know our people would be more richly blessed of the Lord if they would walk in faithfulness in observance of the Sabbath. . . . I don't think we need to patronize the ordinary business merchants on the Sabbath Day. Why do they stay open? To get customers. Who are the customers? Well, they are not all non-members of the Church. You know that and I know that.' "

While the world sees no conflict in shopping on Sunday, continued Elder Tingey, "we of the Church have been counseled and taught by prophets to keep ourselves `unspotted from the world.' We should not shop on Sunday."

Elder Tingey suggested that, "One way to avoid this is by planning ahead. Fill up the gas tank on Saturday. Acquire the needed groceries for the weekend on Saturday. Don't be the means of causing someone to work on Sunday because you patronize their establishment." He said there are essential businesses that must be open on Sunday, such as emergency, medical, transportation, and some forms of protective services, such as police and fire.

He said that in driving through rural Utah areas returning from conference assignments, "I observe that most tractors are idle and the fields empty. I thank God for the faith of the humble farmers. When I enter cities, I see the parking lots of many stores filled with cars on Sunday, and I am saddened that the Lord's law is being broken. . . .

"We as a community of Saints should use our influence, in a positive way, to encourage other citizens to not shop on Sunday. We should start with ourselves," he declared.

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