
New stake presidencies

Five new stakes have been created in Latin America: in Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Honduras and Mexico.

The Coyhaique Chile Stake has been created by Elder F. Melvin Hammond of the Seventy. The new stake includes the Coyhaique 1st, 2nd and 3rd, Coyhaique Alto, and Puerto Aysen 1st and 2nd wards, and the Prolongacion Errazuriz and Puerto Cisnes branches.The Manta Ecuador Stake, which includes the Altamira, Cordova, Eloy Alfaro and Tarqui wards, and the Abdon Calderon, Jocay and Montecristi branches, has been created by Elder Jay E. Jensen of the Seventy.

The Recife Brazil Imbiribeira Stake, which includes the Ibura 1st, and 2nd, Imbiribeira, Ipsep and Lagoa Encantada wards, has been created by Elder W. Craig Zwick of the Seventy.

The Satelite Honduras Stake, which includes the Calpules, Los Angeles, Planes, Satelite and Seis De Mayo wards, has been created by Elder Jorge A. Rojas of the Seventy.

The Tlaxcala Mexico Stake has been created by Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Seventy. The new stake includes the Almecatla, Apizaco, Chiautempan, Texmelucan, Tezoquipan and the Xicotencatl wards, and the Calpulalpa, Huamantla, Teotlalzingo, Tlaxcallan Tule, and Zacatelco branches.

Elsewhere, stakes have been reorganized in Brazil, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico, Peru, the Philippines and Samoa, and in California, Colorado, Utah, Washington and West Virginia.

New stakes

COYHAIQUE CHILE STAKE: (Feb. 18, 1996) Created from the Coyhaique Chile District. President - Federico Sanchez G., 54, assistant clerk for Chile armed forces; wife, Briselda del Carmen Perez Huaittao B. de Sanchez. Counselors - Raul Enrique Hernandez F., 37, supervisor for HOL Chile; wife, Ruth Esther Carcamo V. de Hernandez. Oscar Armando Vargas R., 39, military instructor for armed forces of Chile; wife, Judith Virginia Vasquez C. de Vargas.

MANTA ECUADOR STAKE: (Feb. 25, 1996) Created from the Portoviejo Ecuador Stake. President - Wilson Marino Chinga H., 36, technical teacher at Ranabi College; wife, Rosa Annabell Nunez F. de Chinga. Counselors - Jose Antonio Ayuso D., 29, dentist for Zapam Association; wife, Elsie Euvenia Macias M. de Ayuso. Irwin Senen Solorzano T., 32, shift manager for Induhielo; wife, Mayra del Rocio Olivo P. de Solorzano.

RECIFE BRAZIL IMBIRIBEIRA STAKE: (Dec. 3, 1995) Created from the Recife Brazil Boa Viagem Stake. President - Marcone Magalhaes, 31, Itau Bank manager; wife, Swastra Jantas Pacheco Magalhaes. Counselors - Jose Carlos Ribeiro Batista, 51; wife, Marlene Gerson Batista. Sebastiao Izidio Marques, 28, production manager for Risiton Perfumes and Cosmetics; wife, Sarine B. Santos Marques.

SATELITE HONDURAS STAKE: (Feb. 18, 1996) Created from the La Lima Honduras Stake. President - Marvin Ivan Gudiel C., 27, owner of Gudiel Auto Services; wife, Laura Patricia Montoya S. de Gudiel. Counselors - Dagoberto Brito T., 35, owner of Jardexnan; wife, Maribel Hercules P. de Brito. Rigoberto Mejia P., 57, materials manager for Santa Marta Real Estate; wife, Maria Yoland Perez G. de Mejia.

TLAXCALA MEXICO STAKE: (Feb. 11, 1996) Created from the Puebla Mexico La Paz and Puebla Mexico Nealtican stakes and the Tlaxcala Mexico District. President - Mosiah Saul Delgado G., 39, school teacher; wife, Ruth Mendez S. de Delgado. Counselors - Samuel Ahuacatitan F., 35, owner and general manager of Safyco; wife, Maria del Carmen Quintana F. de Ahuacatitan. Jose Luis Villegas G., 46, school supervisor for Secretary of Public Education; wife, Lilia Valle R. de Villegas.

Stake reorganizations

BOUNTIFUL UTAH EAST STAKE: (Feb. 25, 1996) President - Don Hansen Staheli, 46, assistant secretary to the First Presidency; succeeding Michael D. Murdock; wife, Cynthia Anne Bodine Staheli. Counselors - Lee B. Groberg, 45, owner of Groberg Communications; wife, Jeanine Fadel Groberg. Steven E. Barlow, 51, corporate vice president for Auto-Soft Corp.; wife, Lana Braegger Barlow.

CURITIBA BRAZIL BACACHERI STAKE: (Feb. 25, 1996) President - Renato Mendes Petla, 45, director for Silviconsulteng; succeeding Enos De Castro Deus Filho; wife, Uera Teresinia Tulio Petla. Counselors - Jarbas F. Souza, 35, owner of brokerage company; wife, Christianne Arantes Souza. Julio Cesar Carneiro Costa, 36, city public clerk; wife, Janete Furtunato Costa.

FAIRMONT WEST VIRGINIA STAKE: (March 3, 1996) President - Boyd F. Edwards, 39, associate professor at West Virginia University; succeeding Joel Alva Flake Sr.; wife, Nadrie Watkins Edwards. Counselors - L. Franklin White, 41, physical maintenance supervisor for the Church; wife, Carol Jean Schoolcraft White. Thomas Arthur Coleman, 45, aerospace science high school teacher; wife, Karen Elizabeth Jones Coleman.

GRAND JUNCTION COLORADO WEST STAKE: (Nov. 19, 1995) President - Jerald F. Chadwick, 61, CPA for Chadwick, SteinKirchner, Davis & Co.; succeeding Richard Lewis Murri; wife, Julia Adell Garrett Chadwick. Counselors - Ole D. Dunn, 55, owner of Sterling Financial Services; wife, Kathleen Pettit Dunn. Monte Edgel Atkinson, 43, professor of music at Mesa State College; wife, Gail Patten Atkinson.

LA LIMA HONDURAS STAKE: (Feb. 18, 1996) President - Jorge Ivan Gomez, retained. Counselors - Rodrigo Antonio Lopez Valle, retained. Hector Rene Castro R., 27, general inspector for Difesa; wife, Nilda Dinora Meza G. de Castro.

LIMA PERU MARANGA STAKE: (Feb. 25, 1996) President - Cesar Augusto Aguinaga A., 40, maintenance supervisor for Lima Temple; succeeding Carlos Hernan Alberto Hooker U.; wife, Maria Basilica Lopez E. de Aguinaga. Counselors - Jose Rosendo Hanke V., 39, professional sales representative for Schering Plough.; wife, Marina Cecilia Merino A. de Hanke. Cesar Horacio Hooker U., 37, general manager for Recycled Materials; wife, Carmela Emma Melero M. de Hooker.

PORTOVIEJO ECUADOR STAKE: (Feb. 25, 1996) President - Victor Hugo Alonzo Cedeno, retained. Counselors - Juan Honorio Quiroz G., 35, sales agent of medicines for Econ. Victor Alonzo; wife, Maria Dolores Alonzo C. de Quiroz. Manuel Antonio Mero S., 32, merchant; wife, Betzsbeth Jacqueline Fernandez C. de Mero.

PUYALLUP WASHINGTON STAKE: (Feb. 18, 1996) President - Robert D. Jacobsen, 48, employee assistance manager for Weyerhaeuser; succeeding John Lee Murphy; wife, Gloria Jean Rokes Jacobsen. Counselors - W. Raymond Pettit, 52, owner of Ray Pettit Enterprises; wife, Kathleen Wardell Pettit. Paul Wesley Bryan, 43, dentist; wife, Diane Elaine Turnbow Bryan.

SACRAMENTO CALIFORNIA NORTH STAKE: (March 3, 1996) President - Walter R. Baggs, 44, senior underwriter for Hanover Insurance; succeeding Jerold Jamile Hallam; wife, Mary Margaret Kingen Baggs. Counselors - M. Gail Thomas, 43, controller for K. H. Moss Company; wife, Maria Eduvina Morales Thomas. Donald Frank Morford, 57, self-employed life planner for persons with disabilities; wife, Mona Lee Hayes Morford.

SANDY UTAH CRESCENT WEST STAKE: (Feb. 25, 1996) President - Patrick Raymond Casaday, 46, attorney; succeeding Jack Ronald Calton; wife, Adele Nielsen Casaday. Counselors - Jan P. Christensen, 41, New York Life Insurance agent; wife, Sharon Wilcox Christensen. Darwin D. Sorensen, 41, district manager for Holiday Oil; wife, Lee Ann Burt Sorensen.

SANTA MARIA BRAZIL STAKE: (Feb. 11, 1996) President - Manuel Prudenciano Siqueira Flores, 37, employed in sales and advertising for Eli Lilly of Brazil; wife, Maria do Horto Dornelles Flores. Counselors - Rui Basalsua Castro, 41, coordinator for Church Educational System; wife, Elizabeth Teixeira Castro. Verlei Dos Santos Filho, 27, sales promoter for Danone; wife, Rosalina Gomes Dos Santos.

TARLAC PHILIPPINES STAKE: (Feb. 18, 1996) President - Cesar Cancio Ramos, 37, institute director and Church Educational System coordinator; succeeding Juanito Raymundo Guillermo; wife, Maria Lourdes Jacalne Torres Ramos. Counselors - Sebastian Gonzales Mananquil, 40, high school math teacher; wife, Rosez Ponce Mananquil. Crisanto Perez Felix, 42, farmer; wife, Rebecca Balot Gagarin Felix.

UKIAH CALIFORNIA STAKE: (March 3, 1996) President - Donald H. Bradford II, 53, vice president for Advanced Manufacturing & Development; succeeding Rex Bruce Hayes; wife, Dorothy Malinda Judd Bradford. Counselors - Thomas W. Engstrom, 49, police chief; wife, Cynthia Ann Wilson Engstrom. James R. McKell, 58, art and crafts teacher; wife, Marie Hodgkinson McKell.

UPOLU SAMOA WEST STAKE: (Feb. 24, 1996) President - Polu Laau Taupau, 48; succeeding Pouono Lameko; wife, Lisa Samoa Sao Taupau. Counselors - Lole Mavaega, 65, owner of T.L.M. Construction; wife, Polataia Tuigamala Mavaega. Sulusi Satele, 39, self-employed; wife, Eilonienu Peo Satele.

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