Twenty-five of the 33 years of our marriage, I have been a member of the Church. I have enjoyed the blessings of the priesthood although my husband isn't a member.
The following points have been particularly helpful to me:- Have faith that no blessing of the priesthood will be denied you if you are worthy. Learn how to be worthy by reading the scriptures and the words of the prophets, praying daily and listening to the promptings of the Holy Ghost.
Live "as if" your husband - if you are married - is a worthy priesthood holder. To sum it up, this is basically just living the gospel. You treat that person with respect and honor. Treat him as the head of the household, and love him.
Receive your patriarchal blessing and read it often. This reminds you of the blessings to come if you remain worthy.
Be worthy to receive a temple recommend. Receive your endowments and attend the temple often. If you are married, do so if your spouse has no objections.
Call upon your home teachers or other worthy priesthood holders when you need a priesthood blessing. - Patricia E. Brockett, Turner, Ore.
What we did:
Asked a friend
During the years I lived with my mother, I realized there was one thing I missed - the opportunity to have a priesthood blessing. Sometimes, in cases like this where one is single or there has been a divorce in the family, we tend to not want to burden others with our problems.
However, bishops, home teachers and other worthy priesthood holders are there to give service. These men are representatives of Christ - to share His love, His light, and words of comfort and joy.
I finally realized that a dad or grandfather aren't the only ones able to give me a blessing. My friends who are worthy priesthood holders also can. There were so many times I was stressed. What a comfort it was to have asked for a blessing and received one from an old high school friend. In my opinion, there is nothing as beautiful than a man using and honoring his priesthood. - Sister Michelle Rawson, Tennessee Knoxville Mission
Faithful home teachers
My husband of 25 years is not a member of the Church. He bears testimony of the Church and is a great defender of the fullness of the gospel. How can I do less than act "as if" he holds the priesthood?
In addition, I enjoy the blessings of the priesthood through my loving, faithful home teachers. A priesthood blessing is never far away when needed. A phone call a few weeks ago before I was scheduled for some X-rays for a serious problem brought my home teachers to me with a beautiful blessing of loving and healing.
When the X-rays were completed the next day, the radiologist told me: "I don't know what to say. What was there is no longer there!"
In the dressing room on my knees I gave a most thankful prayer that through the power of the priesthood, available to all whether in the home or not, the Lord felt me worthy and gave me that beautiful priesthood blessing. - Bertha Riggs, Payson, Ariz.
Sought the Lord
Most women in the Church underestimate the love our Heavenly Father has for His children. My husband and I reared our children in the state of Maryland where my husband was active in the Scouting program but critical of the Church.
I enjoyed the spiritual lift of the blessings I received when I was set apart for a calling or when our children were blessed, baptized or received the priesthood. I received comfort and guidance through prayer and study of articles and manuals published by the Church.
I seriously sought the Lord with fasting and prayer in times of sickness, in the need for inspiration to my callings. I requested help in retrieving a wayward child, the solution of a problem in class discipline, our safety in our many miles of travel. I sought Him in comfort when the atmosphere in our family was in turmoil and at the impending death of a child.
In all those years, in all these requests for help, comfort and guidance, those blessing were not withheld from me because the priesthood was not active in my home. - Name withheld
Seek, reach out
As a single priesthood holder with no family members in the Church, I have been "adopted" by three families in my ward. Because of the closeness I share with them, I'm "on call" when fathers are away on business trips and sons are serving on full-time missions or going to school. Day or night, I've gladly come over just like a "brother" to give them a blessing, pray with them or offer a word of encouragement.
It's great because I have a family setting in which to exercise my priesthood privileges. Likewise, it blesses them with the comfort of a "family member" when the priesthood authority is required. I encourage any family to seek out a priesthood holder with no family in their own ward. Invite them over for fellowship, a meal, or even family home evening. As you grow closer, you too may acquire a new "family member" who holds the priesthood. - Mike Sutherland, Hawthorne, Calif.
Comfort and miracles
I have been an active member of the Church for 21 years. Part of the time I was married, part of it I have been divorced. I have never had a priesthood holder in my home, but I have always enjoyed the blessings of the priesthood.
There was a time when my bishop and home teachers were always as close as a moment's notice, and the blessings they bestowed brought comfort and even miracles.
The priesthood has been the source of my richest blessings and strength. The restored gospel and all of its ordinances - from baptism, to the gift of the Holy Ghost, to the sacrament, to the temple endowment - are blessings of the priesthood that I have come to treasure with daily gratitude. The scriptures are blessings of the priesthood - whether written by ancient or modern priesthood holders. The counsel from living prophets and apostles is priesthood counsel, and it joyfully blesses when heeded. The structure of the Church and each organization in it is established according to the priesthood of God and is a blessing that provides order and security. As I remain faithfully close to my Heavenly Father and my Savior, my brother, Jesus Christ, in thought, word, deed and testimony, they bless me - in my home or wherever I am.
And surely the Atonement, and all that it means and offers, is the greatest priesthood blessing anyone can ever know. - Virginia A. Bailey, Grass Valley, Calif.
How to checklist:
1 Live gospel; listen to promptings of Holy Ghost, pray daily, heed the prophets.
2 Study patriarchal blessing; attend temple regularly.
3 Call upon home teachers, others for priesthood blessings.
4 Trust in Lord's love; read the scriptures.
Jan. 25 "How to magnify your Church calling."
Feb. 1 "How to make your spouse a priority despite a busy family life."
Feb. 8 "How to foster unity in a ward or branch with cultural diversity."
Feb. 15 "How to survive temporally, emotionally during period of unemployment."
Feb. 22 "How to unleash the personal impact of scripture study in your life."
March 1 "How to dress on a limited budget."
Also interested in letters on these topics: "How to be more patient with your children," "How to foster positive communication in your family."
Had any good experiences or practical success in any of the above subjects? Share them with our readers in about 100-150 words. Write the "How-to" editor, Church News, P.O. Box 1257, Salt Lake City, Utah 84110, send fax to (801) 237-2121 or use internet E-mail: Please include a name and phone number. Contributions may be edited or excerpted and will not be returned. Due to limited space, some contributions may not be used; those used should not be regarded as official Church doctrine or policy. Material must be received at least 12 days before publication date.