
New mission presidents

Eight new mission presidents have been called by the First Presidency. The mission presidents and their wives will begin their service about July 1. Their assignments will be announced later. The new mission presidents are:

Wilburn J. Brown, 63, Cooley Ward, Gilbert Arizona Stapley Stake; area adviser for Sigma Gamma Chi; former stake president, high councilor, stake mission president, bishop and counselor, and high priests group leader; mayor of Gilbert, Ariz.; received bachelor's degree in agronomy from Arizona State University and attended BYU; born in Mesa, Ariz., to Earl Marion and Maggie Johnson Brown; married Jeannette Freestone, three children. She is stake Relief Society president; former Young Women president and counselor, Primary president and counselor, Relief Society president's counselor, librarian, and Primary chorister; attended BYU and Arizona State University; born in Safford, Ariz., to John Albert and Zelda Louise Ellsworth Freestone.- Hugh S. Gregson, 60, Woodinville 3rd Ward, Bothell Washington Stake; Young Single Adult branch president; former stake president's counselor, high councilor, stake mission president, stake public communications director, bishop, Young Men president, seminary teacher, and missionary in Sweden Mission; certified financial planner; received teaching certificate from the University of British Columbia; born in Vancouver, British Columbia, to Harold and Ivy Jowett Gregson; married Linda Jensen, five children. She is ward organist; former stake Relief Society president, stake Young Women president, Primary president and teacher, and Young Women president; received bachelor's degree in liberal studies from the University of Washington and attended BYU and BYU-Hawaii; born in Pocatello, Idaho, to George Lundlie and Mary Elaine Brower Jensen.

Clate W. Mask Jr., 54, Cullumber Ward, Gilbert Arizona Stapley Stake; Sunday School teacher; former high councilor, stake Sunday School president, stake missionary, member of bishopric, ward mission leader, Sunday School teacher, and missionary in the Central American Mission; institute director; received bachelor's degree in English and Spanish from BYU and master's degree in education from California State University-Northridge; born in El Paso, Texas, to Clate Wheeler and Marva Gonzalez Mask; married Paula Garns, six children. She is a Primary teacher, former Young Women president, Relief Society president and teacher, Primary teacher, and missionary in the Central American Mission; attended BYU; born in Los Angeles to Paul and Velda Lindsay Garns.

Vicente I. Mederos S., 55, Arbolillo Ward, Mexico City Mexico Arbolillo Stake; employment adviser for the Mexico South Area; former stake president and counselor, stake executive secretary, high councilor, bishop's counselor, Sunday School president and teacher; retired head of equipment installation department for telephone company; attended Mexico telephone training center; born in Mexico City to Vilchis Juan and Hernandez Esther Sanchez Mederos; married Maria Diaz O., five children. She is assistant employment adviser for the Mexico South Area; former stake Primary president's counselor, Young Women and Primary president, Relief Society president and counselor, and Relief Society secretary and teacher; born in Mexico City to Mercado Anselmo and Lucia de los Rios Ortega Diaz.

D. Kelly Ogden, 49, Edgemont 6th Ward, Provo Utah Edgemont Stake; stake president's counselor; former member of the Church gospel doctrine writing committee, district councilor, branch president, member of high priests group leadership, Sunday School teacher, and missionary in the North Argentina Mission; associate professor of ancient scripture at BYU; received bachelor's degree in English and Spanish from Weber State University, master's degree in international education from BYU, master's degree in historical geography of the Bible and Hebrew from the Institute of Holy Land Studies in Jerusalem, and doctorate in Middle East studies and Hebrew from University of Utah; born in Ogden, Utah, to Daniel Howard and Joyce Chambers Ogden; married Marcia Hammond, four children. She is Laurel teacher; former Relief Society and Young Women president, Primary president, chorister, teacher, pianist, and missionary in Spain; born in Billings, Mont., to Opal Kneil and Mona Savage Hammond.

Donald H. Sedgwick, 58, Capistrano 2nd Ward, Laguna Niguel California Stake; ordinance worker in the San Diego California Temple; former stake president and counselor, stake mission president, bishop, Sunday School teacher, and missionary in the Eastern States Mission; president of Sedgwick Sales Inc.; received bachelor's degree in economics and master's degree in business administration from BYU; born in Riverside, Calif., to Joel Garrett and Lola Mae Hansen Sedgwick; married Virginia Bird, six children. She is Relief Society president and ordinance worker in the San Diego Temple; former Relief Society president's counselor, Young Women president's counselor, Primary teacher, and Relief Society teacher; received bachelor's degree in homemaking education from BYU; born in Riverside, Calif., to Kingsley Jones and Margaret Ellen Hamner Bird.

Grant E. Starley, 55, Twin Falls 14th Ward, Twin Falls Idaho West Stake; Young Men president's counselor and teachers quorum adviser; former stake president, high councilor, stake Young Men president, bishop, and missionary in the Texas Mission; manager for First Security Insurance; received bachelor's degree in economics and accounting from BYU; born in Delta, Utah, to Reed Goodman and Ina Edwards Starley; married Sharon Allen, five children. She is Relief Society president's counselor; former Young Women president and counselor, Primary president and teacher, Relief Society homemaking leader, Relief Society teacher, and missionary in the Southern Australia Mission; attended Ricks College; born in Burley, Idaho, to Harmon Franklin and Mary Lucille Pitts Allen.

Gary C. Swensen, 58, Taylors Grove Ward, Taylorsville Utah Stake; high councilor; former stake president's counselor, bishop and counselor, Young Men president, high priests group leader, Sunday School teacher, and volleyball coach; Walk America Director for March of Dimes; received bachelor's degree in speech and political science from the University of Utah; born in Salt Lake City to Rell C. and Mabel Leone Cook Swensen; married Irene Nielson, four children. She is former stake Young Women president's counselor, Relief Society president and teacher, Young Women and Primary teacher; born in Murray, Utah, to Eldon C. and Miriam Viola Thayne Nielson.

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