At the April 1990 general conference, Presiding Bishop Robert D. Hales (now a member of the Quorum of the Twelve) spoke to Aaronic Priesthood holders about the importance of preparing, blessing and passing the sacrament to the members of the Church.
"It is so important that we do so with clean hands and a pure heart," he said. "It is so important that the young men with whom we serve in the Aaronic Priesthood know we are doing so worthily and that every member in the congregation can look toward the sacrament table and trust the members of the priesthood are worthy to perform the ordinances of the Lord."Each Sunday, as we participate in the sacred ordinance of the sacrament, we promise three things as the blessings over the bread and water are given by a priest. In the prayer, the voice of the priest at the table is for all in the room so that each of us can renew our covenants:
"First, we promise that we will always remember our Savior, Jesus Christ, and His atoning sacrifice for us.
"Second, we take upon us once again the name of Jesus Christ, allowing us to renew our baptismal covenant.
"Third, we promise that we will keep His commandments, renewing our covenants of obedience." (See D&C 20:77-79.)
Bishop Hales added: "If we keep these three promises, we are given one of the greatest blessings that can be bestowed upon us: that we will have His Spirit to be with us always, meaning that we will have the Holy Ghost in our lives to guide us and protect us and direct us each day.
"The reason why we come to sacrament meeting each week is to renew these covenants so that we can have His spirit to be with us and remain on the strait and narrow path that leads us to eternal life - to return with honor." (See 2 Ne. 31:17-21.)