
Progress of the Church continues

The Church grew by about a third of a million members in 1996, resulting in the creation of 146 new stakes and 831 new wards and branches, according to the annual report of year-end statistics announced in general conference.

As shown on the annual report, 1996 was a year of continued progress. Shown on these pages are graphs comparing the 1996 year-end statistics with year-end reports from previous conferences during even years.Significant trends indicated by these graphic comparisons include the increase in the number of countries or territories with wards or branches. This number has increased 19 percent since 1990.

"We have become a great concourse of people," said President Gordon B. Hinckley in a conference address April 5. "We should reach the 10 million mark by the end of the year."

The increase in children of record baptized, although considerably larger than previous years, reflects improved reporting technology now being used in other countries.

Typical of stakes with substantial growth is the Tubarao Brazil Stake, presided over by Pres. Gelson Januario, 33. This three-year-old stake gains some 300 new members a year.

"The stake is growing, but not too fast," said Pres. Januario. "We work closely with the missionaries to visit the homes of new converts.

"Our members are maturing through the experiences they have in the temple. Members have been blessed in their homes and their jobs as they attend the temple.

"Because we are in a younger stake, it is important for us to listen to the leaders who come and instruct us."


1996 annual report


1986 1,622

1988 1,707

1990 1,784

1992 1,919

1994 2,008

1996 2,296


1986 346

1988 402

1990 479

1992 601

1994 709

1996 671

Baptisms - Children of record

1986 72,000

1988 73,000

1990 78,000

1992 77,380

1994 72,538

1996 81,017


1986 193

1988 222

1990 256

1992 276

1994 303

1996 309

Wards and branches

1986 15,389

1988 16,558

1990 18,090

1992 20,081

1994 21,774

1996 23,528

Total missionaries - at year-end

1986 31,803

1988 36,132

1990 43,651

1992 46,025

1994 47,311

1996 52,938

Total converts

1986 216,210

1988 256,515

1990 330,877

1992 274,477

1994 300,730

1996 321,385

Nations, territories with wards, branches

1986 122

1988 125

1990 130

1992 146

1994 156

1996 161

Total membership

1986 6,170,000

1988 6,720,000

1990 7,760,000

1992 8,406,895

1994 9,024,569

1996 9,694,546

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