Be an example of the believers, Janette Hales Beckham urged during the General Young Women Meeting March 29.
"Whether you are a Beehive, a Mia Maid or a Laurel, you can be an example to others . . . ," said the Young Women general president. "Gospel principles are the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. The commitment to keep the commandments is the same in every generation. You young women often have struggles just as difficult to face as the pioneers who came before. The courage to take a step of faith is needed today as never before."Pres. Beckham spoke of the importance of preparing for the temple. "It is the most important destination we have here on earth. As you plan and prepare for the temple, your example can make you a pioneer to your friends and also your family members.
"One important step of faith for you as a pioneer is to resist going along with the crowd in ways that would lead you astray. A modern pioneer also encourages others to stay on course. When you lead out in righteousness, others will follow."
Pres. Beckham related accounts of several young women who were "modern pioneers" by setting good examples. "Some of you have difficult family situations, yet you stay strong in the gospel. Some of you are the only active members in your families.
"Whenever you are promoting righteousness, you're being a hero in someone else's life," said Pres. Beckham.
She continued, "There will be many occasions this year to remember the early pioneers, and each of us . . . must have the same character and determination. We must have faith in every footstep. We must listen to the words of our prophet, love the Lord and keep His commandments."
The general president declared: "Young sisters, you can make it. Heavenly Father wants you to. Your faith and courage and determination will bring you to . . . the Holy Temple as you prepare to make and keep sacred covenants, receive the ordinances of the temple, and enjoy the blessings of exaltation. Your steps of faith will bless future generations."