
LDS Calendar

Nov. 30 - Family History Library demonstration, "Family History Library Catalog on Fiche & CD," Room 134/136, 10 a.m.

Dec. 1 - Family History Library demonstration, "French Workshop," Room B1, 3 p.m.Dec. 3 - BYU Museum of Art: The exhibit "Frames of Beauty: Questioning the Eye of the Beholder," will open at museum and run through March 1999.

Dec. 4-5 - Temple Square Concert Series: The Mormon Youth Chorus and Symphony will present annual Christmas concert, with Robert Bowden conducting, Tabernacle, 8 p.m., free admission, but tickets are required. Call 240-3323 for more information; standby seating will begin at 7:45 p.m.

Through Christmas Eve - Afternoons and evenings, musical performances will take place in Assembly Hall and Joseph Smith Memorial Building; also performances on the Church Office Building plaza beginning at 6 p.m., Tuesdays through Saturdays. A schedule is available at the visitors centers on Temple Square, the Church Office Building and Joseph Smith Memorial Building.

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