
New housing complex at BYU dedicated

After lauding BYU's married student population, "who are going forward with faith," President James E. Faust dedicated a new married student housing complex here Nov. 1.

During dedication ceremonies held in the facility's multi-purpose building, President Faust, second counselor in the First Presidency, called the "beautiful complex a beginning laboratory for eternal families - a microcosm of the future."Wyview Park, built on the corner of University Avenue and 2230 North in Provo, replaces a long-standing trailer park for student families. The new complex has 30 buildings with a total of 426 units - 90 three-bedroom units and 336 two-bedroom units - but still does not meet the burgeoning demand for married student housing at BYU.

Shortly after the announcement to build Wyview Park was made in August 1996, BYU's waiting list for married student housing - which includes Wyview Park and Wymount Terrace, an 898-unit complex on the northeast edge of campus - soared to more than 1,800 names. Today, BYU students can expect a 12- to 14-month wait on the married housing list. Only families in which at least one spouse is a full-time BYU student are admitted.

President Faust asked the tenants to be grateful for the faithful Saints in the Church worldwide, whose tithing made the housing complex possible.

Calling the complex "quite unique, quite wonderful and quite expensive," President Faust said it represents "an investment by the Church in the future and in society."

"You will be living in a sacred place because it has been dedicated," he said. "We hope and pray that you will respect this sanctuary."

President Faust was accompanied to the meeting by his wife, Ruth. Also in attendance at the special-invitation-only dedication were Elder Henry B. Eyring of the Quorum of the Twelve and his wife, Kathleen; Elder Merrill J. Bateman of the Seventy and BYU president and his wife, Marilyn; local Church leaders; and numerous married students.

"These are some of the happiest years of your lives," President Faust told the students. "Enjoy them to the fullest."

After recalling his and Sister Faust's first home - a basement apartment - President Faust said: "The experience will be as sweet to you as it was for those of us who have gone before and have been in your shoes. . . .

"We appreciate you, have confidence in you and pray the Lord's blessing to be with you."

Elder Eyring also told the students that these early years, when time and financial resources are limited, will be recalled as some of the best in their lives.

He promised the young couples that if they will pay their tithing they will have enough money to meet their needs with some to spare.

"I am grateful to be part of a Church where the faith of young people who make marriage and education a high priority is so honored," he said.

Pres. Bateman explained that BYU dedicates all its buildings - one of not many institutes of higher learning to do so - to ensure that students have a hallowed university experience.

Young people here, he said, are learning by the Spirit of the Lord. "We are combining a house of learning with a house of faith," he said.

Tenants began moving into Wyview Park in January, when the first buildings were finished. The final group of tenants moved into the housing complex in October.

The housing area includes a central laundry unit with more than 50 washers and dryers and has sport courts, grassy areas and play sets for children.

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