
This week in Church history

50 years ago

Preparation was beginning for the expansion of the organ in the Tabernacle on Temple Square, according the April 17, 1948, Church News. Seven new sections of pipes were to be added in time for the October general conference.

The article stated: "Although wings have been added to the imposing exterior of the world-famous organ, the original pipes, constructed under the direct supervision of Joseph H. Ridges, form the central portion of the organ as viewed from the interior of the tabernacle."

The article also reported on the original construction: "The large pipes required thousands of feet of timber, and even after careful construction, were not exactly true in tone. Elder Ridges devised a method of charring the interior, thus making the pipes pitch perfect. In describing his work on the organ he was able to say that pipes ranged in size from 32 feet high and four feet square on the interior, to as small as his little finger."

For the 1948 expansion, workers removed benches in the northwest section of the Tabernacle to receive the new pipes which were being construction in Boston, the article said.

It concluded: "Bishop Thorpe B. Isaacson of the Presiding Bishopric, under whose jurisdiction the organ remodeling comes, has explained the exterior appearance of the huge musical instrument `will not be altered.' "

Quote from the past

Man cannot live without faith, because in life's adventure the central problem is character-building - which is not a product of logic, but of faith in ideals and sacrificial devotions to them. - President Hugh B. Brown, first counselor in the First Presidency, from an address given during the October 1969 general conference

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