Excerpts from addresses given by President Gordon B. Hinckley.
Be not faithless, but believing
"Be not faithless, but believing." (John 20:27.) Believing in what? Believing in God, our Eternal Father, as the Father of our spirits, as our leader, as our king. Believing in the Lord, Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, our Savior, our Lord. Believing in the restored gospel, which has come to earth in a miraculous and marvelous manner. Cultivate in your hearts a living and vibrant testimony of the restoration of the gospel. Believe in the Book of Mormon. Be not faithless in the knowledge that the priesthood of God has been restored to the earth. Believe in goodness. Believe in yourselves. Believe that each of you is a child of God with a divine birthright. — From Cape Town, South Africa, member meeting, Feb. 20, 1998
Counsel to parents
The Lord expects you parents, you fathers and you mothers, to rear your children in light and truth, to teach the principles of the everlasting gospel, and to stand as examples before them of virtue, goodness, loyalty, love, appreciation and respect. You are the fathers and the mothers of these, your sons and daughters. You will never have anything more precious in all your lives than these little ones you have brought into the world. They are God's children. He will hold you accountable for what you do with them. Rear them according to His pattern. — From Woods Cross, Utah, regional conference, Jan. 11, 1998
Faithful Latter-day Saints
I thank the Lord every morning when I get on my knees for the faithful Saints of this Church the men and the women who make it go, who are teaching faith and obedience and goodness. Thank you very much for what you do. Please know of our love. We do love you. We pray for you. We know that you pray for us and we are grateful for your prayers. — From Houston, Texas, regional conference, Sat., Sept. 19, 1998
'I am a child of God'
Believe, my brothers and sisters, in yourself as a child of God. "I Am a Child of God." What a wondrous concept that is! "I am a Child of God and He has sent me here." What a marvelous thing. We ought to stand tall. We ought to be better. We ought to get our weaknesses behind us and live up to our tremendous birthright a little more effectively and well. — From Chicago, Ill., member meeting, Oct. 18, 1998
Marriage and family
Marriage was once regarded as the most sacred of institutions, to be upheld through sunshine and storm. Now an epidemic of divorce rages through the land. Parents quarrel and children suffer. Marriage, with our forebears, was regarded as a sacrament. But now so many, so very, very many, have cast aside these binding contracts. They have given up on the family. — From Mayflower Society Board of Assistants, "What's Happened to Your America?" Sept. 12, 1998
Brethren, we ought to be better than we are so that the channel of the heavens might be open and the power of God might be made manifest through us as those who hold this royal priesthood. — From Sydney, Australia, member fireside, May 14, 1997
Strength of the Church
There never was a better time in all the history of the Church than right now. There never was a time when we were stronger — stronger in numbers, stronger in faith, stronger in the physical assets of the Church, with more buildings and better buildings throughout the world. It is a miracle, and it all bespeaks your faith. That is possible because of the faith of such people as you who contribute your tithes and offerings to move forward this glorious work. — From Salt Lake Holladay regional conference, Feb. 7, 1998
The roots of civility
The roots of civility are planted in the soil of the home: Fathers and mothers, husbands and wives and children, living together with love and appreciation and respect for one another. This is the way it was at Plymouth. This is the way it can and must again be to keep America strong and robust, its people happy as in virtue they look ever to the future. — From Mayflower Society Board of Assistants, "What's Happened to Your America?" Sept. 12, 1998
Worldwide recognition
We are beginning to be recognized for our worth, for the values for which we stand, for the things we teach, and for the things we do, but I believe that far more attention will be paid to us if you and I shape up and measure up to our callings and our responsibilities. — From Houston, Texas, regional conference, Sept. 19, 1998