Following is a transcript of the invocation delivered by President Thomas S. Monson, first counselor in the First Presidency, at the National Day of Prayer and Remembrance service in the Tabernacle on Sept. 14.
Our dear Heavenly Father, we bow before Thee as we begin a memorial service on this National Day of Prayer and Remembrance. This we do at the request of President George W. Bush, the leader of this great nation — even the United States of America.
Our hearts are saddened by the tragic events of Tuesday, September 11 — a day which will never be forgotten. We remember before Thee those whose loved ones have perished and those who have been injured. Wilt thou bless them with Thy divine love and comfort. May the peace promised by Thy Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, be given to each — even the peace which passeth understanding.
We express our gratitude for those brave men and women who put the safety of others above their own as they responded to the call of duty.
We grieve for all those whose lives were lost in this terrible tragedy. We are grateful for those whose lives were spared. Wilt Thou bless the many who were injured, that their wounds may heal.
Father, Thy mighty hand has ever guided this nation through perilous times. As a people united, we again plead for Thy Heavenly help. Wilt Thou stand as a protective shield against those who would attempt to destroy this precious land. May their evil plans come to nought. May fear be dispelled as we place our trust in Thee.
From the depths of our hearts, we ask Thee to bless America, our home, sweet home. In the name of Thy Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, Amen.